Welcome to the wonderful, but crazy world of being Nico's Mom. Who in a little over 8 years, has not only taught me what unconditional love really is, but also what true patience really means!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dearest Nico,
It seems like just yesterday Mommy and Daddy were trying to figure out what to name you and that you were going to stay in your little hot tub FOREVER, but now here we are 2 years later and you are not that little baby anymore!!
To us this is the best time of our lives to be able to communicate, play and show you and see the world through your eyes. Eyes that are innocent and amazed by every aspect of life that Mommy and Daddy just let pass by. This past year has been especially special to me because of all the heartache and worries we have gone through, but you have given us hope and shown us that no matter how hard things get, smiling, laughing and melting us with those beautiful blue eyes that everything is and will be ok.
So on October 1st, we celebrate the most important day of our life, the day Nico was born and we celebrate all of the accomplishments of this past year. Looking back at your photo show in review and reading past blogs, it's amazing to me how much you have changed. You have started talking, walking or running, gotten most of your teeth, grown about what Mommy thinks is a foot, developing the personality and orneriness any Mommy would want, and continually learning new things and new experiences that amaze us everyday.
So when we think of you, Nico, we think of this little guy who melts anyone's heart that loves him and we think of cars and the wonderment of his wheels turning in his head trying to figure out how a new toy or anything that he gets in his hands works. And anyone who knows us knows he is a passive, loving, caring little man who will only continue to melt your heart into giving him whatever he wants!!
Happy Birthday Nicolas Aaron, our one and only spoiled rotten child, who we love more than anything in this world!!!
We love you very much!!!
Mommy & Daddy
Monday, September 22, 2008
Can anyone believe that the summer has left us and fall is upon us? I didn't realize today was the first day of fall until I logged onto my computer and then I thought, where did the summer go? All the fun things we did this summer, putting up a swing set, zoo trips, airplane rides, farms we went too, playing outside until dark, sidewalk chalk, riding the lawn mower and 4-wheeler. How much fun Nico had this year and how much we had with Nico!! He is at an age where everything is new, exciting, and funny and it is amazing to watch his eyes grow every time he sees something new!!! From Uh-oh choo-choo trains to wheee down the slide to trying to blow bubbles and flinging them all over Mommy. These are the moments I cherish because I know before I know it, it'll be Mom I wanna go to my friends or Mom no I don't want to hang out with you, you embarrass me....Can you imagine me embarrassing Nico?? I guess those moments when I have my pink shorts on and tank top on walking around the neighborhood and everyone wondering what happened to that crazy lady?? OK, maybe it's time to throw those out, but some clothes are like old friends.....LOL!

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Until Nico's next adventure.....