Can anyone remember Nico being so small? I sure can't it seems like a lifetime ago.......
Until next time.........
Welcome to the wonderful, but crazy world of being Nico's Mom. Who in a little over 8 years, has not only taught me what unconditional love really is, but also what true patience really means!!!
Here we are again, another week gone by and another "story" of all the things that I couldn't possibly of done all week....you know being the "perfect" mommy and all! If you want to read about other's head over here.
I couldn't have possibly let my child walk around again outside in his undies while trying unsuccessfully to potty train him because my child is always probably clothed!
I surely didn't get angry when our water tank, which by the way is 5 years old, started leaking and my lovely husband said it's not that big of deal.........because you know our money is growing on trees.....I still love you Daddy!
I know my child didn't empty out his drawers again, while he was suppose to be going to bed and then make him help me because my perfect child doesn't do such things...when I tell him to go to bed he falls right to sleep!
I could of NEVER let my child stay up to after 11-2 nights this weekend because I wanted to see fireworks and we were having a fun weekend...not me I always put my child to bed at the appropriate time!
So there it is my "perfect" week once again! Hope everyone else is having a great day and what "perfect" things have you done this past week..
Until next time.........