Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Back in Time

Until our next "Cheetos" adventure.....

PS This is one of my favorite pictures of Nico from his 1st year.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guess Where Nico is going.......



Gosh, it's going to be a busy summer!!!!

It's fun being Nico's Mom & Dad!!!

Can anyone guess what the second picture is??

Until our next "travel planning" adventures....

Monday, March 29, 2010

We are officially

Diaper FREE!!!!

OK everyone knock on wood with me,

but Nico has been officially pull-up free for over 3 weeks!!!!

So everyone join our family in doing the Potty Dance!

You can watch it here and feel free to dance/sing along as we are!!!

Until our next "pull-up free" adventure.....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fun Day at the Park

Until our next "park" adventure...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Flight 93 Memorial

While on our Girl's Weekend, April and I visited the Temporary Flight 93 Memorial. It was a breathe taking experience, like I felt while in Washington D.C. last year. It brought up all the feelings and thoughts of that terrible day, but also was a peaceful place where they have honored those who lost their lives. Along with the snow covered Memorial, they had a presentation from Volunteers who lived near the site and we learned things I either didn't remember or never knew.

They have broken ground for the Permanent Memorial, but unfortunately until it is completed no one is actually allowed on the site except for Families of those who lost love one's. They call this area where the plane actually hit, as the "sacred ground". What was most amazing to me, and I think April too, was that houses were so close and when it hit the ground at 563 MPH how the ground must of shook, along with the 7 scrap workers who saw the plane coming in. I remember how I felt, I can't imagine how these people who lived and worked so close and saw what they did felt. It was a great way to honor those who lost their lives, and allowed those families to come to a place where they could say goodbye.

Here is a picture of part of the Permanent Flight 93 Memorial:

If you are ever in Somerset, PA or near, take the time to find the Memorial. Even though we'll never go back to visit Somerset, I am hoping to drive through to see the completed site. It was definitely worth it and a place I am glad I saw in my life time. Hopefully once the Memorial is completed, the families of those who lost their loved one's can finally have some closure.
Until next time......

Thursday, March 18, 2010




Finally, I have gotten my Great Room back and who would of thought Nico's toys would of invaded for so long!!! Actually I am very proud of Daddy who put in a lot of sweat and tears to make these rooms look so nice, and he did it while trying to sleep and work! Now on to a ceiling fan, new paint and some picture frames and the rooms will be complete! Daddy's going to love to hear about more work...
Until our next "remodel" adventure....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Can 1 child have too many trains???

Until our next adventure....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Loss For Words....

I know it's hard to believe that I would title my post, "Loss For Words", as I always seem to have something to say, but today that's how I feel. My heart is breaking for a family I have never met, will never meet, and only heard about today in the paper, but we have something in common. Something I rarely talk about, as this blog is dedicated to the history of our son and helping us remember every moment, but today after reading about another Police Officer being killed in the line of duty I felt it was something I should talk about.

Last evening, Officer Kerstetter was responding to a 911 call of a man exposing himself to a fellow neighbor and her daughter. It sounds like he went to the suspects home, knocked on the door, walked through the door and the man who was 58 years old opened fire on the Officer. Officer Kerstetter radioed Officer down, and back-up rushed to the scene, killing the suspect after gunfire was exchanged. Officer Kerstetter was a 15-year veteran in Law Enforcement, and left behind a Wife and 3 children. According to the article he was a stellar Police Officer, was everyone's friend. (All my information was found here.)

I just don't understand, I don't know what to say, I just don't......I don't know, I mean I have lots to say and feelings to expose but I can't because I know it's not my place to judge. The suspect is being judged by his Maker and for whatever reason why he opened fire on Officer Kerstetter will never be known, but I do know one thing being a Police Officer's wife my heart is breaking for his wife who had to tell their 3 children that Daddy isn't ever coming home again. Although he is a Hero, and will be remembered for his bravery that still doesn't make it easier and this just hit home way too hard today.......

So tonight, please remember Officer Kerstetter and his Family in your prayers, and remember all the Law Enforcement people who everyday put their lives on the line to Protect and Serve for nearly not enough compensation. I know every night before Nico's Daddy leaves, we tell him to "be careful and we love you" and I pray that I never have to tell my child, "Daddy isn't coming home".............

Monday, March 15, 2010

Diaper-Free House

This last week we ran out of Pull-Ups, and not that I couldn't buy more but I was determined to unwave my white flag and show Nico that he could go poo in the potty once and for all. He has not wet the bed in 3 nights, but also hasn't gone poo either... but finally on Saturday, he had to give in and finally he went on his Elmo Potty!!! Then on Sunday he asked to go again, so we did the potty dance, got stickers on our chart, poopy candy and today Daddy went and got him Bill and Ben!!!

Finally, I think he has crossed the line and realized Mommy isn't giving in anymore and I am a Big Boy!

What also made me think he was crossing the corner was in the car the other day, he says to me:

Nico: "Mommy, big boys don't suck their thumbs."

Mommy: "No Nico, big boys don't suck their thumbs. Are you a big boy, and are you going to suck your thumb anymore?"

Nico: "nope because I am a big boy!"

Mommy: " You are a big boy, Nico and big boys Poo in the potty like you do!"

Nico: "I know."

Sometimes I think he is a little old Man, who comes out from time to time and this was one of those moments in which I think he is not a baby anymore. So thankfully, this time I was right he was ready it just took me breaking his stubborness to get him to to do it...even though Daddy wasn't so sure. Let's just hope this keeps up, and we really are on the road to a completely diaper free household!

Wish us luck!!!

Until our next adventure....

Monday, March 08, 2010

Top 10 Reasons

Last weekend, I met my good friend April who lives in Virginia half way in Somerset, PA. So we thought it looks like a pretty large city on the map, how could we go wrong with fun stuff to do.....right?


So here are my 10 top reasons not to visit Somerset, PA ever again:

10. Seriously April, I am in a neighborhood and I am not sure if I can turn around and you want me to do what??? Drive across 5 lanes of people driving on and off the turnpike tolls?

9. The hotel didn't advertise easily of fun stuff to do in the area, except skiing and when we asked the clerk if we had to go across 5 lanes again, she said we'll I could tell you the back way but the way you came zooming across and taking your life in your own hands is probably the best way, but turn right and go to the next light that'll get you to the main strip in town.

8. The main strip had literally a Ruby Tuesday's and Starbucks that we recognized other than fast food...there was no Malls or anything that resembled anyplace we would eat but there were 4 McDonald's in town........

7. We thought we might be adventurous for dinner and took the advice of the nail tech to try out the Italian Oven, which apparently is the only other restaurant in town as it was packed and when we decided to go get pizza.....a guy comes out of the restaurant with a 12 pack of Budweiser.....never saw that before.

6. When we ordered pizza the guy had no teeth and we were the only one's in the restaurant....and you could buy 12 packs of beer there too! It was like we were in the Twilight Zone!

5. A lot of the streets were one way then they went to two way streets or you just kept driving around in circles to figure out where to go next....the scary thing was that there was no lines on the one way streets to show that it was more than one lane.

4. Outside our hotel room, someone is getting something delivered to them, not sure what but they did have to sign the bottom two copies and keep one for themselves....not sure what that was about....never had to sign two copies for any food I ordered :)

3. The local Wal-Mart we found out was the biggest shopping place for 30 miles and if you wanted to see a movie at a theater it was also 30 miles away.....seriously where are we??

2. The nail tech didn't know what a penpal was and couldn't believe we wrote each I the only one that has a penpal that turned into a good friend??

And the number one reason we won't go back to Somerset, PA.......

1. When the nail tech asked us 3 times why we met here and couldn't believe we wanted to stay.....

We seriously did have a great time, and it was nice to get away, laugh and catch up! We can't wait to plan our next trip......hopefully somewhere they have a movie theater, more than two restaurants we recognize or would consider going in.....maybe New York City.........

Until our next adventure........

Friday, March 05, 2010

Cute Story!

This morning Daddy called me to tell me this cute story I thought I would share with you! Nico went into Pre-School and it was storytime, so he walked in and a friend was crying. He went over to his friend and said:

"Stop Crying"

And the little boy did! So I guess if your child is upset, just give us a call, Nico will take care of it and make the child stop crying :)

Happy Friday! I leave for PA in the morning for my Girl's Weekend....WHOO HOO!!! We'll see how Daddy, Nico and Athena fair :)

Until our next adventure.....