There was an incident at the Y last night that just totally appalled me, and I just can't believe the ignorance of people anymore.....
A little background, Nico has been in swimming classes since he was 6 months old and he has been in this particular class for over a year. He loves the pool, loves the kids, and really enjoys the class overall. We give the kids to the instructors and then we go into a little room with chairs and a big glass window. Not all the parents sit there, some go workout but we always have the that one....and you all know what I anyways, the lifeguard comes out and asks us for a Potty Mom, not once but three times.
So this is where my story starts....the third time it's a girl who's father is sitting by the door and says "I'll take her." The "One" as I'll call her, says "it's not my daughter and sits back down." Now let me tell you EVERY week I volunteer, but this week there were more Mothers and Fathers so I thought I'll let them take a turn. She made it quite clear unless it's her daughter she wasn't doing anything.......anyways, the Father goes in to take his daughter and the "One's" daughter follows him saying she has to go too, so like any other parent he takes her with his daughter. The "One" get up and says in a rude, loud voice......"he is NOT taking my daughter" and then proceeds to run, not walk fastly but literally RUN down the hallway screaming for her daughter...and apparently when she got to the locker room, she was screaming her daughters name over and over until she had her daughter screaming and crying. The "One's" daughter never went to the bathroom and was sent back to class totally upset. Then the Father and "One" came back into the little waiting room talking and the conversation went like this in a rude obnoxious way from the "One":
Father: "Your daughter had to go so I took her with my daughter"
One (rudely): "Well I don't think a man should EVER take girls to the bathroom"
Father: "Mame I was just taking my daughter and your daughter had to go, nothing more. It's not like my daughter isn't in the class too and it's not like I was going to do anything to her"
One: "I just can't believe that a man would EVER take girls to the bathroom, it's not right and I can't believe they had you do it."
Father: "Again I wasn't doing anything, I am not a predator or something I was just trying to help out"
One: "She said well ladies don't you think it was crazy he took girls to the restroom?"
If someone dropped a pin, you could of heard it........I just gave her the dirtiest look and thought I am going to keep my mouth shut. There was more to the conversation but I gave you the cliff notes, but it was sad that now she is making him feel like he did something wrong when he was just doing what I would like to think my husband would do if he had too. She finally walked away and everyone just couldn't believe what just happened. I wanted to apologize to the Father who was just trying to be nice, but when I got him by himself in the lobby the "One" was sitting there too.
Then I thought about it on my way home, although I am pretty trusting with people I also have limitations. If that would have been my child would I have thought maybe I should go make sure she was OK.....probably, but I do know one thing I would have NEVER made that Man feel like he was on a poster somewhere and then continued on as if I was right.
The ignorance of people never seizes to amaze me........
Until our next adventure.....