Pentagon Memorial
Washington, DC
This Memorial was something that even almost 10 years later hit hard and opened a wound that I didn't know was still not healed. When April and I walked past the Pentagon to the Memorial next door, it was a peaceful and quiet place where it honored those who lost their lives that day at the Pentagon. A place for family and friends to say goodbye to the one's they lost and for all of us to pay respects for those Hero's who tragically lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

To me, it was one of those surreal moments in your life as it was when April and I visited the Flight 93 Memorial last year. You can read about our experiences
Here. We can just thank God for allowing us to live our lives and say a prayer for the families and those who lost their lives that day.

When they say do not take photographs of the Pentagon Building they are very serious, some people found out very quickly. It wasn't us don't worry.