Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Now that my precious little angel, at least now when he is sitting in his bouncer and listening to his Baby Einstein CD, is being content it gives me a moment to reflect on this last month...
It's funny how in a sense I have lost my identity as me and have become Nicolas' Mom. It seems the first thing out of everyone's mouth is how is Nicolas doing today or did he sleep last night? Not how are you today? Which in a sense I don't really mind because he is so special but it's funny how times change so quickly. That sometimes you get lost in the shuffle of everyone wanting to see him and you can't really prepare for it or expect it until it happens. Then you think when was the last time that I did something for myself? Probably not since he was born, but then I think he is depending on me for everything what can I really expect? When my Mom calls and asks how he is doing I jokingly say he is fine and so am I...she just laughs and says of course you are. It is pretty funny how fast life changes for the better of course and without any notice I have become Nicolas' Mom and will be known as that for the rest of my life here on earth. And truly wouldn't want it any other way.
So anyone who doesn't have children, once they do they will understand when I introduce my new self as Nicolas' Mom.

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