Monday, December 24, 2007

As the Christmas holiday has arrived, I thought I would reflect on the good things God has blessed us with this year. First and formost, my precious Nicolas who is everything to Bryan and I, but also to our friends and families who have been here for us these last couple of months when we really have needed them.
This year is really exciting for me, but I think Bryan thinks I am nuts doing things like tracking Santa, opening Nico's Christmas jammies this morning or just the traditions of reading him Twas the Night before Christmas. All of these things are so important to me because even though he may not understand this year, it's traditions that we have to continue on years to come when he does understand and one day when he may act like he doesn't care, but I know he will as I do now with my families quirky traditions.
So for all of my family and friends, those who I adore and love more than anything, know this Christmas all of you no matter where you are, you are in my thoughts. And just wait until you are forced to see ANOTHER picture of the cutest boy in the world because to me watching him grow up has been the best thing in my life, and hopefully yours.
Even though the next month or so might not be as great as this moment today, I can reflect back and think I have to make it so that next year I can do all those cheesy things Bryan makes fun of me and see my little angel's face as he opens yet another pair of shoes.....HA.....and hopefully Nike will take my advice and let me personalize them.....I know I am crazy, but I guess that's why I work.
Merry Christmas to all and God Bless, Kel.

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