It's been a while since I posted, but thought I should while I have a little time to myself. What a year already so much going on and even though I know everything will work out it's seems in just then a little less than month since my last post, life has changed so dramatically....let me explain.
Well as usual my little angel has continued to amaze me everyday. It is unbelievable all the words he can say and does, once yes just once. Like for example today I gave him his juice cup and to mine and my Mom's surprise what does he say....."my juice" but of course never to say it again. Our theory is that the boy can talk, he just chooses not too although most people say don't worry one day he'll just starting talking and never stop.....that kind of scares me if he is anything like us because both Mom and Dad love to talk and sometimes I think Dad talks to hear his own voice....ha!!!
It's been really difficult since my surgery and not being able to pick him up by myself. Honestly I think that is the hardest because he doesn't understand and to hear him cry for me breaks my heart, but before I know it I'll be back to my old self as everyday gets a little bit better. Luckily he is at the age that he won't remember anything about this whole ordeal and life will be restored soon enough.
Also with the bad news of Nico's uncle being called up for duty in Iraq. I know that was always in the cards but until it happens to your family, you can't even imagine. It breaks my heart so I can't even begin to know how they feel. I just know in my heart that things will be ok and that we will all be there to get them through this tremendously hard time. Love and support will be what gets us through this and pictures to remind Nico of his brave Uncle is so when he comes back Nico can say (hopefully) uncle and show him his bright blue eyes that will melt anyones heart.
So as you can see we have many things to look forward to in 2008, but we also have some things we all need to be strong for and hopefully my health will take a better turn this year but with many tests still in the works, I can only hope for the best and know that as I keep telling everyone that I am to mean to go yet and that I still have a lot of heck to raise yet!!!
And as I always say good things happen to good people and I know in my heart that only good things can happen as we continue on for a better 2008!!!
Happy New Year to all! Until next time.....
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