Spring......shhh, better not say it to loud.....
I am happy to report to all my family and friends that finally in Ohio, Spring might actually be here....we'll at least for the time being. We finally can put away the gloves, winter hats and winter coat (we'll at least for now) and roll up our sleeves for our skin to finally feel the sun it's been craving all winter. And if you have seen Nico up close, you know he needs all the sun he can get:)
Now it's time to get the basketball hoop, tool bench and all the other fun toys we having been waiting to play with this long, long winter but I do have the realization that my birthday is coming up and it always snows around my birthday time, so we better not put the winter jacket to far...gotta love Ohio weather. Wait ten minutes and it will change :)
So now the routine of playing cars all night is out and playing with bikes and taking walks is finally here!!! It's almost time to find Nico some shorts and short sleeve shirts or just let him run around like the hillbilly he is, in his diaper!!! I am sure the neighbors will love it :) Now if we could just get a bit warmer for the pool, Nico loves the water and I have a feeling his little pool in the driveway isn't gonna cut it and we'll have to be at cousin Julie's more often then she'll probably like. J/K!
So all those readers of Nico's adventures it's time to (hopefully) put away the snow shovels and start enjoying the long evenings but I bet you before we know it we'll be watching out for those mosquitos!!!!
Happy Spring everyone!!!!! Until next time......
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