Today Daddy and Nico went to the Barber Shop for his first hair cut. To Mommy's surprise Nico waited patiently and the other customers wanted to entertain him....but who wouldn't want too??? So as they waited Nico made new friends and even made a dollar that he stuffed in his pocket, and then finally it was his turn!!! So like a big boy, Daddy put him up in the chair and Barber Gene wrapped the paper around his neck (twice) and put the smock around him and started trimming his little locks of hair. And to all of our surprise he sat their like a little angel only moving his head side to side to see what was going on in the Barber Shop, never crying or fussing. Barber Gene said he was the best little guy he has had in a long time and before Nico knew it he was all done and Barber Gene gave him a few suckers and Daddy and him went to the Gas Station to get a slushy for being so good. I guess Nico can be the Angel everyone says he is when he wants to be.....
Until his next adventure......water fun!!!
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