Nico's Fun Weekend!!

It seems like lately that Nico's been having a lot of fun weekends and this past weekend was no different! Daddy was off so of course we had to pack everything into two days.....first Grandma Beth and Grandpa Tim took Nico to the Uniontown Festival to sugar up an almost 2 year old up properly, but to Grandpa Tim's surprise......Nico wasn't coming home, he was spending the NIGHT!!! Nico got to ride the train ride and jump on the jumpy thingy (does anyone know what those are called??) and eat a elephant ear, boy was he in heaven!!! They brought him back to their house to eat more cookies and ice cream with Grandpa Tim because apparently that's what Grandparents least that's what I am told....and then it was off to bed!!! And to Mommy's surprise he slept through the night with only getting up once. Which is good, but on the other hand only shows me that he is growing up and not needing me as much and as Bryan says I need to cut the strings..........for all those Mother's out there you know how hard it is!
Then on Sunday it was off to the Akron Zoo! I couldn't believe how nice that zoo is, even though it's not as big as the Cleveland or Toledo Zoo we went to last week. They definitely do a nice job keeping it clean and their exhibits are beautiful. The weather was perfect and the animals were out and walking around entertaining the crowds!!! Nico even got up close with the bears, we'll close to the glass....he got to pet goats again and even fed them crackers!!! All in all it was a beautiful day and the rain waited until we got home so what could we ask for more?? I would definitely recommend the Akron Zoo to anyone and if you haven't been there this year, you gotta go!!! Not to mention the neat Jelly Fish exhibit!
The summer is almost gone, but I am sure Nico will continue to have more keep visiting!!!
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