The adventure begins...........
The adventure begins in our house, with not only Nico turning 2 on Wednesday but we took his crib down yesterday! It almost made me want to cry because it made me realize he is not a baby anymore!!! His bed is not quite ready until Wednesday, but Gpa Tim needed the box springs to finish it up, so us as naive parents that we are, we thought we'll just put his mattress on the floor and I am sure he'll take a nap in his bed.........LOL!! Let me tell you he got the last laugh, not us. So after finding him in the closet, not once but twice it was time to get the pack-n-play out. Which he hasn't slept in since our trip to NC in June, but man has he grown he is pretty much as long as the bed. I swear he is going to taller than me before he is 5, but we'll see on Thursday how tall he really is! What was funny though is that we put the pieces in our computer room and he went in there a couple of times, touching, looking and I think wondering what the heck was going on! Poor little guy is probably thinking he is moving out...LOL!!! So the next week or so should be VERY interesting in our house, trying to keep a 2 year old in his bed so please say a prayer that we make it through without to many tears and I am betting Nico will end up sleeping on the floor at some point!!!
Until our next adventure.....
I'll post pictures once we have the room set up and things settle down.
1 comment:
I remember those days. There were quite a few nights that we would see fingers appear from under the door and they would end up sleeping on the floor right beside the door. Give it a few days and he will get used to it.
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