So this is my second "Not Me!" Monday and probably my last for quite awhile, but with the week I have had and the week I am going to have, I just have to for some laughs because we all know I could use some laughs right now.
I never could of have almost dropped Nico when I thought I broke my back picking him up and then crawled to the phone for help and he thought now it was a game Mommy and him were playing and then let him run around in the buff until Gma came to help.
I most certainly didn't give Nico fruit snacks at 4 am because he was up crying and begging for fruit snacks and then gave him another pack at breakfast because I was certainly not to tired to argue.
No way did I turn on cartoons and let him run around at 4 am and catch him 2 inches from the tv screen and thought I don't have the energy to fight with him today.
I surely didn't think I'll do last week laundry on Sunday and then only one load because I had no "under" stuff to wear and leave another load in the washer to be washed again tonight.
I never could of not made dinner again because there is something in the fridge and darnnet I am not the cook and the maid.
And I certainly would of never walked out of the house with Nico in his diaper only because he was fighting me to put clothes on and wasn't feeling good. NO not me!
Now I feel better, now if only this works for times that I have coming up....I'll just have to start writing them down and when I can get to a computer in a couple of weeks I'll have to make up for those weeks missed! Happy "Not Me" Monday!!!
Until next time......

1 comment:
the best time to catch up on blogs is that 4am hour. LOL. Fun to read your not me moments.
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