More time...
It is sad to say it that now that I am getting back to my normal self, I can't believe how much stuff can get backlogged in just 5 weeks. From toilet scrubbing to dog hair bunnies, it is never ending and not that Bry didn't try his best he was wonderful but now I look around and think......WERE DO I EVEN WANT TO BEGIN??? Actually I just want to walk out of the house and walk back in hoping it'll all be clean again. I guess the drugs are wearing off and reality is starting to set in that sitting on my butt for 4 weeks was really not fun and even worse now that I see how much I have to do and so little time I have to do it in!!! I know as people have always told me, "Don't sweat the small stuff", it's easier said then done. And poor Nico is so confused with Mommy and Daddy home all day for 5 weeks and tomorrow Bry is back at it and I go back on the 1st, I am sure he is definitely going to act out as any 2 year old would with so many changes in their routine as he had this past year. OK, I guess I should stop's just dirt and as my Mom always told me..."God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt".......why I just thought of that, who knows!!!! I am crazy...
On a lighter note, I have found a really fun place to take Nico. My friend Kelly called the other day and asked us to go to Story time at the Plain Twp Public Library and although we didn't make it on time, Nico had so much fun in their Kids Area. Plus we got some new books to read, and even one that had pictures of Athena in it....we'll not really Athena, but he doesn't know that. He loves just to look at the picture and say "Mommy, Athena, Athena...see Athena??" It's too cute. He started saying sentences the day after my surgery, his very first sentence was after seeing my car...."I want my Mommy". When my Mom told me that I cried, I was excited that finally after months of waiting for words he was finally saying them in a sentence but in such a way that made me so emotional....I blame it on the drugs...LOL! So this weeks words are, Mommy or Namma, "What this?".....I guess it's better than "Why?", right???
Well better get to bed, my head is pounding and Nico got up early this morning so I better catch up on my beauty sleep.........I definitely need lots of that, LOL!
Until next time...........

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