Welcome to the wonderful, but crazy world of being Nico's Mom. Who in a little over 8 years, has not only taught me what unconditional love really is, but also what true patience really means!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009

Yet another Monday has come upon us for another edition of "Not Me Monday" originating from McMama's Blog. So here we go, all of my "imperfect" doings through the week.........
I certainly didn't send out Valentine Day cards that used a picture of Nico from July that I cropped and then people certainly didn't notice that he had quite a tan/redness going on from playing outside in the sun...no not me I always use the most current and festive picture for such an event!!
I surely didn't pay $2.00 a bag for mixed dried fruit that was big enough for one person at the new Menard's that just opened and then eat the whole bag in almost one sitting!! No not me, I certainly am only economical and would never spend that kind of money!!
No way could I have let my little angel play with his new moon sand and mix all three colors together, and secretly not let him play with some of the molds because I was having to much fun and distracting him into playing with the one's I wasn't...no not me I always let Nico have all of his toys and I know I am WAY to big for such things!
And finally, I couldn't have woke Bryan up after coming home late Friday night after playing poker with the boys just because Nico wanted too....no way, I always let him sleep in on the weekends until he is all rested up! That's what "perfect" wives do!!!
We'll there it is another week of my "perfect" ways of being a Mother and Wife.
Until our next adventure.........

Friday, February 20, 2009
Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!
Attitude of Gratitude: Week 12: February 20th, 2009
1. I am thankful Bryan had the weeknights off this week, and even though I have gotten nothing done and my laundry is piling up, it's been fun tucking in Nico together.
2. I am definitely thankful that when Bryan asked me to help carry the new TV downstairs that was bigger than me, that we didn't or I didn't drop it!
3. I am grateful my medicine has been working and even though I still have headaches they are no way near what they were before.
4. My Penpal, April, who can always make me laugh and who even though must think I am crazy still writes me almost every other week!
5. The dollar movie which is playing Twilight this week and hopefully Terri and I can go see it on Sunday.
6. The Internet which has opened my eyes to a whole lot of possibilities for our vacation this year!!
7. Tax refunds, you would of thought we won the lottery in our house...LOL!
8. Nico's unconditional love, no matter what he does or the mess he makes just looking at his blue eyes and powty lips, he can make any frown turn upside down....OK that was a little cheesy!
9. Friends blogs, how much fun is to read each other's blogs and be able to laugh at our funny stories, look at our adorable kids photos and just keep in touch when you don't have the time to pick up the phone.
10. And finally, for fun holidays like Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's Day where it's fun to buy those "little" gifts for the kids and watch them open them like it was their birthday all over again!
Happy Attitude of Gratitude Day!! What are you grateful for??
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So, one more full week of work and then we are off to another flying adventure to see family and have a fun filled long weekend at Atlanta's aquarium and whatever else fun things we can find!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
So my question to all of you is:
Monday, February 16, 2009

I certainly did not allow my child to watch both Thomas the Train and Bob the Builder on Sunday as he was running a fever and just wanted to cuddle up all day, and those baby blues said please.....I would never let my child watch that much TV.
No way did I feed Nico ice cream for lunch because he didn't want anything else and his fever was over 101 and I felt like the ice cream might cool him off....no way did I send Bryan down to DQ for blizzards, I would NEVER do that!
I surely didn't slack off on my Wii Fit over the weekend because my head was pounding and I felt like crap as the cold bug has invaded my house, NO NOT ME I am on a regimented schedule every week!
I certainly didn't take Mckmama's idea of allowing Nico and Chay play with rice on a cookie sheet with their cars and then when they made a huge mess left it there all night Friday night because I was to tired to clean the rice up! Not me I am always on top of cleaning!
I surely didn't let my puppy Athena sleep and cuddle with me all week since Bryan slept in the other room so we didn't keep each other up coughing. I would NEVER let my dog sleep in bed with me instead of my husband....no way!
Well there is it another "Perfect" week gone, but it sure is refreshing to know I would of NEVER done any of those things!!
Happy Monday!
Until our next adventure.............
Friday, February 13, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude, Week 11: February 13th
1. I am grateful that my friend Kelly, who is a flight attendant for Continental was not on the plane that crashed yesterday...but I am sad for all those people who passed away.
2. My puppy Athena, who cuddles with me when I am not feeling well.
3. My migraine medicine that has so far helped not have any major migraines!
4. Valentine's Day, how much fun is it to buy Nico little gifts and candy and to show how much love is in the air!
5. My Wii Fit, I am back and I love it!! Especially the running and step aerobics! My goal is to workout 5 days a week for 30 mins a day.
6. Bryan who has been very helpful around the house lately, I really do appreciate it!
7. 50 degree weather we have had this week, Nico actually got to play outside Wednesday and allows us to be hopeful Spring is around the corner!
8. Facebook notes, I don't know about everyone else but I have had fun reading everyone's notes and writing my own!
9. My new John Grisham book, it's been a while since a new one came out and I can't put this one down!!!
10. Hot tea, I probably drink wayyyy to much but I just love it...especially now that the weather is cooling down again!!!
So there it is, my weekly Attitude of Gratitude list~!
Hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's hard to read, but it says:
"You can call me Prince Charming"

Monday, February 09, 2009

At work last week, I certainly didn't wear my slippers all day for two days, and walked around the office like they were shoes because I hurt myself playing Wii Fit. I always am very professional and would NEVER thing to do that!
I certainly didn't start our book for our Book Club, then get to the stopping point to start a second book because I couldn't wait to start it and now I certainly wouldn't start a third one because my favorite author published his latest and I can't wait to start that one too...No not me I always finish one before I start another!
I surely didn't download pictures for 1 hour pickup at Walmart, only to leave them there for 2 days and finally picked them up....no not me, I always pick them up precisely 1 hour after ordering and they NEVER have to call me to remind me they are there!
And Finally, I certainly didn't buy Nico a t-shirt that says this:
Because gosh, I think Daddy and Mommy are equals and I would never try to outdo Daddy :) You have to admit it's pretty funny!
Well there it is, another "Not Me Monday!" Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Until our next adventure..........

Friday, February 06, 2009

A of G: Week 10, February 6th, 2009
This has been a normal week, no really big happenings in our house but still I am grateful for:
1. MckMama's website that has given me great new ideas for projects for Nico.
2. Cuddling, having those moments with Nico and Bryan are priceless!
3. Warmer temperatures, it's amazing how we think we have a heatwave at 30 degrees!!!!
4. Birthdays, how I love to shop for all my favorite people and come up with new ideas!
5. Texting, it's almost like a new obsession for me!! Just wait one is coming your way!!!
6. Washable paints, it's nice to take Nico's shirt off and let him go to town without worry of sending him to Gma's green!!
7. Nights out with Bryan, how much fun Date Night with our friends was on Wednesday!
8. Hot tea, not really picky about the flavor or not but on these freezing cold days and nights it sure helps to warm up!
9. My hot tea maker-I just found out they don't make them anymore so I am cherishing every moment I have with it!
10. Scooby Snacks: Gummy for Nico and Doggie Treats for Athena.....how they both light up when you say Scooby snacks!! Watching their faces and Athena's tail wag is priceless.....
11. Oh, and one last one....watching Nico do the Wii Fit Hula Hoop imitation is so funny. If I can catch him doing it with Daddy I'll have to post a video!!!
What are you grateful this week??
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

I certainly couldn't have been so upset with Bryan because I asked him two days in a row to drop off my prescription at the drug store and he kept forgetting...no not me I always do those things and would never get upset when he didn't do it for me.
On the lines of the drug store, as I waited 25 mins for my prescription that Bryan most certainly dropped off I never would of let my little Nico run around the store and point at everything and say "what's this". NO NOT me, I always have my child under control and he sits like a perfect angel on the bench while we wait!
No way did I roll my ankle or whatever I did playing my Wii Fit and then wait a whole week to get it checked only to be told it's not broken but if there is any small fractures we'll call you in two days....no not me, I always am especially careful and never would of hurt myself working out!
No way did I let my child watch TV for 45 mins while I tricked him to sit on the potty in front of the TV.......EWW that's gross, nobody in their right mind lets there child sit and watch TV while potty training!
On the lines of potty training, I could of NEVER offered any money seriously, whether they thought I was or not, to potty train Nico........no way, no mother would ever do that. I definitely want to have every experience even the frustrating potty training ones!!!
And finally, I never let Nico eat poptarts for breakfast all weekend because that's all he wanted and let him have pringles after he was done with his poptart....no not me I only feed my child nutritious meals that are homemade!!!
So there it is my "perfect" week!
Until our next adventure!!!