Attitude of Gratitude, Week 11: February 13th
1. I am grateful that my friend Kelly, who is a flight attendant for Continental was not on the plane that crashed yesterday...but I am sad for all those people who passed away.
2. My puppy Athena, who cuddles with me when I am not feeling well.
3. My migraine medicine that has so far helped not have any major migraines!
4. Valentine's Day, how much fun is it to buy Nico little gifts and candy and to show how much love is in the air!
5. My Wii Fit, I am back and I love it!! Especially the running and step aerobics! My goal is to workout 5 days a week for 30 mins a day.
6. Bryan who has been very helpful around the house lately, I really do appreciate it!
7. 50 degree weather we have had this week, Nico actually got to play outside Wednesday and allows us to be hopeful Spring is around the corner!
8. Facebook notes, I don't know about everyone else but I have had fun reading everyone's notes and writing my own!
9. My new John Grisham book, it's been a while since a new one came out and I can't put this one down!!!
10. Hot tea, I probably drink wayyyy to much but I just love it...especially now that the weather is cooling down again!!!
So there it is, my weekly Attitude of Gratitude list~!
Hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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