Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Dance...Not so much.......

Well as excited as I was that Nico had started going potty over the weekend, it's come to a halt.....he did so well and now he just isn't interested again. So I wonder is this how it goes, they want to because it's new and exciting and then when they figure it out it takes to much time, so why bother?? I can't quite figure it out and trying to figure out the mind of a male almost 3 year old is almost impossible.........but as happy as I was I am still trying to be positive and think this has to be the beginning and I will one day look back and laugh....RIGHT???

So no new and exciting news, it's been warm and gloomy here for the past couple of days and just enough not to want to go outside for the threat of rain is looming but things are starting to get in the works for Nico's 3rd Birthday Bash and Vacation in September, plus hopefully this weekend we'll be able to go see Fireworks. Other than that just another day in the life of a potty training Mom :)

Until our next adventure.....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Potty Dance!!! Everyone do the Potty Dance!!!

I know everyone is as excited as I am to report that since Friday, Nico has been going on the potty at least once a day and has been keeping dry except for the 3 accidents he had over the three days. Friday he went 3 times at my Mom's house and even told us 2 times that he had to go....and then Saturday he got up at 6:30AM and said, "Mommy, I have to go potty" and even though I was half asleep it woke me right up and we went downstairs to sit on the potty and watch Thomas the Train...just don't ask, I am desperate....and he went not only pee pee but poopy, which I know is gross to say but was I doing the potty dance and Nico got candy even that early in the morning! He stayed dry at nap time and when we went to the Festival he kept saying he had to go potty, but never went not even in his DIAPER!!!! Although later he did have an accident but I think he is finally getting it, and then yesterday he had one accident and went once on the potty but hopefully this is going in the right direction!

It's been a rough road to get here and I know a lot of you had told me most boys don't really get it until 3...I am hoping that one day, I will look back at this post and think why did I get so excited it was a piece of cake.............one day, right??

Until our next adventure........

I have been a little lazy, but here I am on another edition of "Not Me! Monday" showing all my "perfect" mommy skills that has happened over the last weeks.....go here to read other Mommies who think they are "perfect" just like me!

I have not put my precious Nico on the potty at 6:30AM and then laid back on the couch, and let him sit and watch Thomas, while halfway falling asleep! Not me I am totally attentive to my child!

I certainly did not let my child play in a pile of dirt and then see it all over his face, hands and feet and still walked down the neighbors to let him play dirty....I always make sure that he is clean before we leave the house.

I surely didn't forget the name of our new neighbor who I was introduced too and when she came over to borrow tools and I had to call Bryan to see where they were, I certainly didn't call her the next door neighbor while she was sitting there.......NO NOT ME!

Could I have fed my child Mac-n-cheese AGAIN and Again because that's is all he will eat, and then last night called Scalloped Potatoes Mac-n-cheese so he would eat it....NO I never lie to my child!

Well there it is all my "perfect" ways of being the best Mother! I am sure this week should be interesting as Nico is finally getting the hang of potty training......we'll see what I have to do to keep him going......buy lots of Thomas' or stickers, or maybe eat ice cream for dinner we'll see........but of course since I am "perfect" I would NEVER do any of those things!

Until our next adventure.........

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Until our next adventure........

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I know that many have asked me the ultimate question of "how are you doing" and I give them the answer they want to hear...."I am OK" because it's easier for me and easier for them to deal with then the actual truth. And not that I am lying because I am not, I am OK and actually I am in a totally better spot then most and at least I am at a point in my life where life can suck some days but really it could be much worse or I couldn't be here writing this post, but I regress.........so let's start from the beginning for those who know the story or don't at least when I say I am doing "OK" you understand what I mean........

To say when it began no one knows, I was probably born with the the malformation and brain anyeriusm...I tease my Mom and tell if she had laid off the alcohol maybe then I wouldn't be in this spot, but she knows I don't mean it....it's a way to laugh at a bad situation. But again I regress........In Sept/Oct 2007 my left side started to go numb and tingly which at first I thought I just laid on it wrong or something so I let it go not telling anyone. I had an almost one year old who needed my attention and I didn't have a family doctor so who had time to deal with nothing, right? It continued on for a couple of weeks, so I decided after work one day to go to Stat Care to see what was up.....we'll that was a huge mistake, the doctor took a paperclip and pressed it on my arm and leg, and then looked me over and said I am not sure but let's take some blood and see what's up. That's when the tests began, as he proceeded to scare the heck out of me by telling me that I had lopus or MS or something I can't even remember because it ran in people my age...great now here I am 29 years old and they are saying I have a disease...heck other than giving birth, I had never been to the doctor!

With that scare and not being impressed with that doctor, I called our friend Kiki who told me to make an appointment and that she would get the results from the other doctor. I went in thinking this is nothing, and she was awesome not assuming anything but ordering an MRI and more blood work I think which still I am thinking, I am a healthy 29 year old this is ridiculous I don't need all these tests, but my Mom and I went to the hospital to get my first MRI which went OK but I was exhausted as it was scheduled at 11PM....but we were laughing and having fun as we waited for my turn. The results came back a week or so later and Kiki had to break the news that although she thought I had MS, I didn't and that they found a brain aneurysm that I thought she had said was 3mm but now I am not sure and she had to refer me to a neurologist, which OK now I am thinking I am gonna die remembering the first calling hours I went to when I was 13 was for a family friend who died of a brain aneurysm but of course she told me not to worry......

I got to my first appointment with my neurologist and he informed me that my aneurysm was actually 8mm and that he would have to refer me to a neurosurgeon who would decide how to proceed, which OK in a matter of weeks I went from never seeing a doctor to know having specialists and a neurosurgeon!! My first appointment with the surgeon he informed me since it was over 5mm that operating on it was necessary and that if I didn't ever year the percentage went up by 1% so assuming at this point I had it at birth, we were at 29% already...which when it comes to your brain isn't good statistics....although he wasn't truly worried about having emergency surgery, we scheduled it for Jan 11th, 2008. Now never having any surgery in my life to having a c-section with my monster headed baby..LOL....I was so nervous and unsure how this was going to end up, but of course it went fine after a few complications and a run to the ER after coming home from being stupid but we don't need to go there...........

After surgery life seemed to be going well, I was recovering back to work and life was normal again or so I thought....now mind you and I don't think I mentioned along with the aneurysm they found a chairi malformation that they assumed was causing the numbness but weren't going to do anything until it got worse and/or the aneurysm was taken care of. Then at the blue the migraines started in April 2008 and when you go the ER and they see you had aneurysm surgery people start to freak out...I don't know why but they do, to see their faces is almost like pity.....So I was C-scanned 7 times after repeated trips to the hospital and given medicine after medicine that didn't work to the point of one causing me to loose so much weight they had to take me off of it.

Then the numbness came back and worse than ever, so back to the neurologist who sent me back to the neurosurgeon...do you see a pattern...and the decision came to do surgery on the chairi malformation hoping it would help the headaches but he was truly unsure. Surgery was scheduled for after Nico's birthday as I was not going to be down and out for my son's 2nd birthday. All went well there and this time I didn't end back up at the ER being stupid but after a couple of weeks after the surgery the headaches came back and I am sure they were always there but being so drugged up on pain pills I didn't feel them or maybe they left and came back, no one knows.....

So let's fast forward to finish up this story....currently I am on my 3, 4, or 5th medicine for migraine prevention which hasn't worked..I don't even know anymore. My family doctor has no idea what to do with me, my head hurts every single day with migraines occurring about once a week to the point of not being able to function without medication. I don't feel good all the time, I am grumpy and irritable at times and even irritated for no reason. It's not because someone has done something, but because I just don't feel good...and think of the last time you had a horrible headache and you felt, that's how I feel almost everyday. So do I have an attitude my Mom tells me I do....yea I do because I don't feel good and people irritate me more than they normally would. I am at the point of giving up, and realizing this is gonna be the rest of my life which is really sad but then I think it could be worse I could of not survived and that's what I try to tell myself but it's hard. I have been given a second chance but man is this second chance hard, and I don't mean I am not grateful to God everyday for allowing me to see my son grow up but man is it hard.

So there it is my story of when I say I am "OK" that's what I am "OK" trying to get through another day with a headache and now I am waiting for a new neurologist who specializes in migraines to accept me as a patient and hoping that he is my new light of hope of living a day without a headache.

Thank you to all of those who have supported and loved me through this time, if I have hurt you or not given you the whole truth it was never the intention it's just how I deal with things and right or wrong, you all mean the world to me....never forget that.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another week, another Monday, another day to say how "perfect" we all really are!! I know I am and I am sure you all are too.......

So here it is a day in the life of having an almost 3 year old.......

I certainly didn't laugh at my son when he started licking Daddy's shirt because Athena licks why not him too.....certainly I thought that was disgusting and would never laugh knowing that he would do it more!

I never would of or could of let my son walk around in just his shorts outside because we are relentlessly trying to potty train him...NO NOT ME, I always make my child wear undies because that's the proper thing to do!

Of course I never fed my kid cake or cookies after he wouldn't eat because we only eat nutritious meals and if you don't eat all of your dinner you don't get snacks....

Or give my child a second go-gurt when I know he would NEVER eat the entire thing and then pass it off later after it sits in the fridge for two days and still sitting...no not me, there germs and yucky stuff.

I definitely never would allow my child to play in the dirt, bring dirt home from the ball field or get dirty in any way......I always have a clean child and I certainly wouldn't give my child a "wipes" bath before bed because my child is always bathed properly!!!

It's hard being "perfect" but someone has too......

Until our next adventure...

Friday, June 19, 2009



I can't wait to see the show tonight!! I know you'll do great!!!

Love you,

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Nico did awesome at the dentist, Dr. S said he was one of the best little boys he has had in a while. While Dr. S told him what he was doing, he said "Why?" and Dr. S told Daddy that was wonderful because most kids are to scared to talk. Then he mentioned how social he was by talking and asking questions when the nurse was in with Nico, he heard him from the other room. Which I wasn't sure was great, but he seemed to be really happy with him.

He examed his teeth, and Nico didn't bite or attempt too, and put flouride on his teeth. The first appointment they don't clean their teeth to ease them into going but next time they will. He told Daddy that we will have to get his to stop sucking his thumb and that is what is causing his gap in his front teeth and his bottom teeth to push in, but Dr. S was very happy with the way we were taking care of his teeth. So looks like he got a clean bill of "teeth" health and sadly it looks like he is gonna need braces one day, hopefully it'll do better than Daddy's did.

Here's a cute picture of Nico and Dr. S, that was sent by Daddy:



Today Nico is going to the Dentist for the first time at 11:30AM so I asking everyone to pray he doesn't bite the poor Dentist or not sit in the chair or do something crazy!!! I am letting Daddy take him, and I'll post what happened and some photos later this afternoon.......let's pray it goes well!!!

Until the rest of the story :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Until next time....

PS McMama always has name this photo...so if you have a cute or funny label I would love to hear it!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Busy Weekend!

This past weekend was extra busy with most of my Mom's family coming in from all over the U.S. for Nico's Great-Grandma's 80th Birthday celebration! It started off on Friday with a small cookout/bonfire at Grandma Beth's where we roasted marshmallows and ate Hot Dogs, Nico even ate an entire Hot Dog which these days is rare. Then it was time for smores and 4-wheeler rides where Nico suckered any adult that would take him and off he went not once, not twice but multiple times! Grandma Beth got him started young, like 4 or 5 months old and you can't keep the little guy off of it now, and he has even figured out how to accelerate which is bad.....faster Grandma, faster!

Then on Saturday we woke up to get ready for a big day of family pictures and a birthday party and picnic. It was a beautiful day for a party and Great-Grandma was really excited to see her family and then it was off to get Melissa and Kevin's engagement pictures with my friend Jennifer but we got rained out until the next day. For those who know Melissa and Kevin if you want to see the photoshoot that turned out great click here. Then it was off to the family picnic to continue celebrating Great-Grandma's birthday! What a fun day of Nico playing in the rain and playing with all his cousins!

Sunday we woke up and went to the delayed photoshoot. After that I was off to my friend Vicky's baby shower, which was really neat as a tea party! Finally, it was off to cousin Julie's pool for an afternoon of swimming, sunning and eating!!!!

All in all it was a nice weekend that was filled with fun, food and family! Thanks to all those who came so far, it was really nice seeing everyone again!

Until our next adventure......

Friday, June 12, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude: June 12th, 2009

Another Friday is upon us and so many things to be grateful for!!!!

1. Very Grateful that Bryan's Sister and Family made it to Korea without any problems!!!

2. Gmail Video Chat that even from the other side of the world was perfect to keep in touch!!!

3. Nico went to the potty last weekend and even though we are struggling, it's a start in the right direction....right??

4. Cherry Coke Zero...YUMMY!

5. Be able to see most of my entire family on my Mom's side this weekend for my Gma's 80th birthday!

6. Seeing Nico have so much fun at Pre-School this summer and playing with all his new friends!

7. GPS that Adriane gave Bryan, I think it's definitely saving him time instead of looking at Maps at work!

8. Baby Showers, I love buying gifts and picking out clothes for new babies!

9. Ceiling Fan that we installed in out bedroom, it's been great in this warmer weather!

10. Finally, summer nights to take Nico out and play with all the stuff he loves to do....dig in the dirt, swing and run around in his Thomas the Tank Undies that fall down as he runs from me......

Until next time........

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!!!

This is one of my favorite pictures...Nico was about six months old.

Until our next adventure...

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sad Day....

Today is a sad, but exciting day which to most makes absolutely no sense but today Daddy's sister and family flew off to S. Korea for a 2 year journey. Although we are sad, it really exciting for them and hopefully us as we hope to visit next year!

So the countdown begins until hopefully they can come home to visit next year!!

Nico I know is sure gonna miss Haley or Haylay as he calls her or Lauren, and we will too but before we know it we'll see them again!!!
Let the adventures for them to begin and we can't wait to see the pictures and read the adventures they are about to come upon!!!
We miss you and love you guys!!
Until our next adventure......

Monday, June 08, 2009

It's been a couple of weeks that I haven't forgotten but been so busy...the summer is here and now it means not only nice weather but less time to do "Not Me! Monday" but I will try my best!!

I certainly didn't let Nico run around in his Thomas undies outside, and I mean "only" his undies but since I didn't do it so I guess you don't need the details!!!

I could never given in and given Nico his Harvey toy we bought him even after he didn't pee on the potty but because he did the day before I thought he deserved it...NO not me I never give in to my adorable child!!!

I could of never typed this up when I had a million things to do at work because I only do work related stuff when I am work......I am 100% into my job!!

Finally, no way could I have EVER given Nico PB & J sandwiches two days in a row for dinner because I was to lazy to make something perfectly balanced.....I never give in, remember to my child!!!

Well there it is my "perfect" ways and even though I do things "perfectly" I am sure of one thing I have the most adorable little boy, who loves me to pieces as I do him!

Until our next potty adventures....

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Day 2...

Just wanted everyone to know that we are on day 2 of potty training and we only had 2 accidents, in which both times Nico told me he had an accident. Which is amazing considering up until today he NEVER told me when he went. We kind of have a system that shows us when he has to go, no detail needed, and are totally on Nico potty watch. He went three times today and told us twice he had to go.

I know it doesn't seem like much but to us it's a HUGE step, hopefully, in the right direction and finally we have a direction which takes a huge weight off my shoulder!!!! So I know we are NO WHERE near throwing the diapers out but at least we have a start and that's all I can ask of him right now and am very, very proud of his progress!!!!

So join me in hip, hip hooray for Nico going to the potty!!!

Until next time.......

Saturday, June 06, 2009


Friday, June 05, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude: June 5th, 2009:

Another week has passed, and the sun is shiny what could be better for another edition of A of G??

1. New friends Nico met at the Fumbleball game who were more than willing to share their toys, and had fun playing in the dirt.

2. Cherry Coke Zero, my new favorite drink!

3. Video Chat, how much fun once Adriane shows me how to hook it up will it be to chat with them from Korea!

4. Dinosaur Digs and other fun summer stuff at Pre-school this summer!

5. Warm, sunny weekends to spend outside with Nico and making the house look spiffy!

6. FB, that continually keeps me connected with long distance friends and family.

7. Summer TV series that keep me entertained after Nico goes to bed.

8. Scrapbooks that Nico and I love to look at from time to time! Which reminds me I better get working on that 2nd year one to finish...he is almost 3!

9. Ice cream, poptarts and all the other fun stuff we like to share with Nico.

10. Vacation plans, finally doing some research to go on a vacation soon! Anyone have any good ideas I am interested to hear!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and until next time.........

Thursday, June 04, 2009

How Cute is This??

In the mail yesterday, Nico got this in the mail from his Pediatric Dentist he is going to see for the first time and I thought it was so adorable that you all would love to see it too!!! Let's just hope his first visit goes well and he doesn't freak out when they try to touch his teeth.

To be continued.........

Until our next adventure!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Until our next adventure...........

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Kids Say The Darnest Things....
Now we all know that I think Nico is the cutest thing, but sometimes when I don't think he is listening or won't learn something I have working on for months....he says the darnest things, so I thought I would share some of the cute things he has said recently:

Now if you have had a conversation with Nico you know it goes something like this:

Nico: Where's Daddy?
Mommy: Daddy's at work.
Nico (a few mins later): Where's Daddy?
Mommy: Nico, where is Daddy
Nico: Mommy, Daddy's working.
Mommy: Nico then why did you ask?
Nico: Where's Daddy?

Do you see the circle of conversation that NEVER ends.....I am hoping like Nico calling Daddy, Kelli that this too will pass. We were at the park on Sunday and I thought it was just me he did this too....but every kid he met, he asked where's Daddy?? I am beginning to think people think that his Daddy left him.........

Last Saturday night, our good friends Vicky and Jeff came down from Wadsworth and we kept telling him Vicky and Jeff are coming, and Vicky's Baby in her belly. So since then this is how this conversations has gone:

Nico: Where's Vicky? Where's Jeff?
Daddy: Vicky and Jeff are at work.
Nico: Where's baby?
Daddy: Baby is in Vicky's belly
Nico: So baby is working?

What do you say to that....we'll kind of if Vicky is working then yes, baby is working too? All you can do is laugh, he is too much sometimes!

Then we have been working on animal sounds and he has them all but like most males, he listens but sometimes he just tries to appease me so we'll be going through the cow, the pig etc and the next thing you know he is saying Mooo for everything and laughing. How can you not laugh back at him because he thinks he is such a comedian!!
So the next time you have a conversation with Nico and he asks "where's.....?" trust me just ask him another question or you could be lost in Where's with Nico for days!!!

Until our next adventure.....