Attitude of Gratitude: June 12th, 2009
Another Friday is upon us and so many things to be grateful for!!!!
1. Very Grateful that Bryan's Sister and Family made it to Korea without any problems!!!
2. Gmail Video Chat that even from the other side of the world was perfect to keep in touch!!!
3. Nico went to the potty last weekend and even though we are struggling, it's a start in the right direction....right??
4. Cherry Coke Zero...YUMMY!
5. Be able to see most of my entire family on my Mom's side this weekend for my Gma's 80th birthday!
6. Seeing Nico have so much fun at Pre-School this summer and playing with all his new friends!
7. GPS that Adriane gave Bryan, I think it's definitely saving him time instead of looking at Maps at work!
8. Baby Showers, I love buying gifts and picking out clothes for new babies!
9. Ceiling Fan that we installed in out bedroom, it's been great in this warmer weather!
10. Finally, summer nights to take Nico out and play with all the stuff he loves to do....dig in the dirt, swing and run around in his Thomas the Tank Undies that fall down as he runs from me......
Until next time........

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