A Day of Rememberance
Today is a day of rememberance for those whose lost there lives on that infamous day in 2001, one I know I will never forget and I am sure that even though Nico was not alive, he will never forget either.
Not only remember those who lost their lives tragically, but those left behind who have to remember this day that has affected them for the rest of their lives. The brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, children and anyone who suffered those days beyond 9/11/01 and continue to do so. Say a prayer for those families and not only those who lost their lives in those four plane crashes or in the Towers and/or Pentagon, but for those responders who didn't think twice about going to try to save the lives of those whom they had never met or ever would. Or a prayer for those families who lost their love one's fighting for our freedom and for those soliders who continue to do it everyday without even a thank you.
Today is not only about remembering the tragedy, it's about remembering that we need to remember why we fight for our freedom something that we so often take for granted.
So today, I am saying Thank You to my husband who responds without a thought when someone dials 911 and needs help, and to all the other Officers out there that do the same. To the Firemen who risk their lives to try to save yours and your property. And especially to those Soliders who fight for our freedoms, without thinking they want anything in return.
Thank You Bryan, Thank You Kenny for serving our country and Thank You Josh for Fighting our fires. And to everyone else, I don't know and/or our friends who do the same THANK YOU!!
Until next time....

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