Thank you to all of you who are serving our Country or have served in the past for our Freedom.
For those who have lost their lives, you are definitely not forgotten and the sacrifices you have given "thank you" will never be enough.

In Honor of Veteran's Day:
Because of You, Unknown Soldier
By Courtney Tanabe
Because of you, I am here
Because of you, I am able to live freely
Yet I do not know you
And I have not done anything for you
But there you stand, ready to fight
And there you are prepared to die
For me
You've fought before
And you'll fight again
For someone you don't know
So thank you Unknown Soldier
Fighting for me
I'm here because of you
And I owe my future to you
If you know someone in the Military, or has been in the Military in the past please remember to say "Thank You" for their service in honor of them today.

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