Our Vacation Adventures Continue.....
On Our Way to Ocean Isle, NC
Part III
We left Statesville after breakfast and began heading towards our adventures at the beach! It was about a 4 1/2 hour drive to Ocean Isle, and we decided to take the fastest route which ended up being the scenic route!! Once we got on the Island, it was beautiful and the weather was in the 70's and the sun was shining!!! One of the best parts was the fact that the island was pretty much empty as the season hadn't begun. We got settled into the Condo and took our first walk on the beach!!! It was a great day and then ended with a yummy Seafood Dinner!!!
Here are the pictures from our first day on the Island:
On our way!
Mommy & Nico...Cheese!
Driving onto the Bridge to get onto Ocean Isle, NC
Our view as we crossed the bridge
Of course we had to get our sandtoys out!

Walking on the beach
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