Happy Eve of Nico's Birthday!
I can't believe it's been 4 years since we were anxiously waiting for Nico's arrival!!! The day had begun as any other Saturday, we had friends over to watch the Ohio State game and I wasn't feeling that great but it had been a long three weeks of two trips to the hospital with "false" labor and three weeks of Nico pushing on every organ he possibly could of, and me being told until your water breaks or you are at least a week overdue there is nothing we can do for you. I was fat, having contractions, miserable, still throwing up everyday and ready to meet our little Angel. I know it sounds like I was whining, and I was but it was all definitely worth it in the end!!!
Anyways, after our friends left I still wasn't feeling great but I knew I had to finish the laundry so I stared another load and went into the nursery to have another "conversation" with Nico about how he had enough time inside his jacuzzi and it was time to come out!!! Then I told Daddy I was going to bed, about 1am I got up to go to the bathroom and went back to bed and the next thing I knew I felt like I had peed myself.....so I thought here we go again I am not going back to the hospital so they can send me home...although I was already technically 6 days overdue. So I called my Mom who told me to call the Doctor. They called me back and said that we better get to the hospital to get checked out, and we would go from there. I was thinking "great" here we go again! So we grabbed our stuff and off we went, not really calling anyone thinking we were going home again!
This time was different, they checked me in about 3:30AM and I'll spare you all the gory details but basically after 13 hours of labor.....Nicolas Aaron was born at 2:32PM, weighing at 8 pounds 15 ounces and 22 inches long!!! Right after Nico was born, my Doctor said "this boy is a linebacker, I guess he was ready 3 weeks ago to be born when you first came in." Needless to say if I could of gotten off that table to smack him, I certainly would of!!!!
Even though we waited so long to have Nico and then we thought he was going to NEVER come out, he has been the best thing that we have ever done and ever will do in our lives. We love him in a way both of us never thought possible, and he has won the hearts of so many. Those dimples and blue eyes have melted the hearts of many, and I am sure will continue to do so for many years to come!!!
Happy Eve of your 4th Birthday, Baby Boy!
We love you more than words can say,