Not So Fun Sunday....
What I thought was going to turn into a fun Sunday, Nico slept in until almost 9 and we had a birthday party to go too....just another fun Sunday, right?!? How things can change in an instant...
Nico and I went upstairs to wake Daddy up, and we were jumping, playing, just having a fun morning. Daddy got up to brush his teeth, Athena laid on the floor and I went into the computer room leaving Nico to play with his "computer" (a calculator he loves). Next thing you hear is Nico screaming, Mommy my neck I run into the bedroom I see little Nico laying on the middle of the bed all by himself holding his neck crying, and I am wondering he doesn't look like he fell off the bed or Athena isn't anywhere near him.....what is going on Nico?!?!? I kept asking him does your head hurt, and he kept saying as he was screaming no Mommy my neck hurts. We checked him out no blood, no marks, we couldn't figure it out but he wouldn't stop crying and telling us his neck hurt.
So after about 15 minutes of this, and trying to figure out what was wrong....we loaded him up and took him to the Emergency Room and every time Daddy turned a corner or hit a bump he cried harder. I was at a loss thinking what could be wrong? We got to the ER and still crying, checked him in....felt so bad for him as he kept switching from wanting Mommy and Daddy to hold him and finally we went back to the room. They got him situated and once he was propped up and watching TV he seemed to calm down.
The Doctor came in and Nico then tells the doctor in his shy voice that his neck hurt but he is OK now, but they said they could feel his muscle out a bit and wanted an X-ray to make sure nothing was going on. They gave him some Motrin and an ice pack, he seemed better and things definitely were calmed down. So we waited for the X-ray transport to come get us.
They came to get us and we walked into the room, to what looked like a little electric chair to me, but my little guy was so good he sat right into the chair and did exactly what he was told. It makes see how big he is getting! The X-ray was fine, nothing was unusual and he was released with us being told that he had a pulled muscle, and that if it hurts him again to give him Motrin and put heat on it.
He now seems to be fine, but if he moves his head a certain way it does hurt but he is pretty much back to his old self....his Mother on the other hand has gotten one more Gray hair :)
Until our next adventure.....

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