Monday, January 09, 2012

So Many Years So Many Memories

Happy 13th Anniversary to Us!

Flash back to January 8th & 9th, 1999....I wished for a little snow, but it ended up freezing and an ice storm the night of the rehearsal dinner....everyone showed up but it was touch and go for quite a while.  Us girls had made appointments to get our hair done the next day...I spent the night with my cousin Julie and everyone but us cancelled their appointment because of the was to begin at 3:30PM on the 9th and for some dumb reason Daddy thought it was funny to get stone cold drunk the night before...another day another story...thank you very much Uncle Eric......finally we got to the Church and we all arrived safely and the ceremony me it was one of those moments you don't really remember, but you'll never forget...I remember walking down the aisle with my Dad and I remember going through the motions but in between is a bit blurry...old age sucks!  As most who were there it was a great party that ended with Uncle Eric carrying me out to the car, which I don't remember....again another story for another day....As I think about it now I can't believe 13 years have flashed by just like it was last's unreal.

What's truly amazing is going through all the pictures and all the important people in our wedding or in attendance we still keep in contact with....we have the same group of friends we have had since we were teenagers and who can say I remember that day....and even though we have made new friends who are equally important it's wonderful to know that all of you, our family and friends who are near and dear to our hearts are part of us....who have been through it all with us....and know we love you more as each year passes.

Out of all the things we have done over the last 13 years, Nico has to be the best....he is the world to both of us....he is that piece of the puzzle that was always missing and completes both of us....someone when even the worst of days can make you smile and realize whatever was wrong wasn't that it's hard to believe 13 years have's even harder to believe this Fall our little Angel is starting school....wasn't it just yesterday we were bringing him home? 
We love you to the Moon and Back Little Man!

It's been fun reminiscing, but it's all so exciting to think what the years ahead have in store for us.  There are a lot of changes for our family in the works and we can't wait to see how it all turns out, but I know one thing for sure it's been a great 13 years and I can't wait to see what the next 50 brings us!

Happy Anniversary to Us!

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