Welcome to the wonderful, but crazy world of being Nico's Mom. Who in a little over 8 years, has not only taught me what unconditional love really is, but also what true patience really means!!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I thought this would be a cute way to show what a Great Daddy Nico has since I really don't post much about him, I thought it was time to show everyone what a Great Daddy he has!!! Nico and him are best buds, and go everywhere together....and since the are like twins there is no mistake when they are out who is Nico's Daddy. So without any further adu....Daddy this is for you, and we both love you very much!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29th, 2009: Attitude of Gratitude
Since I haven't done this in a few weeks, since I have been so busy I thought it was time for another edition!!
So many things to be grateful for, so little time.....
1. Nico, and even though he keeps scrapping open his little knees he is such a sport and just gets back up and keeps on playing.
2. Dirt and shovels, how much Nico loves them and how it breaks our hearts to hear him scream when he has to come in after hours and hours.....
3. Umbrellas, kept me dry when I was grilling in the rain last night....why does it rain only when I try to do something outside??
4. Coke Zero and now they have Cherry Coke Zero...YUMMO!!!
5. Thursday night with friends, how much is hanging out at the lizard with good friends and good food.
6. Olivia, Rocco and Nico.....how good they are and played so well together, and didn't give me any trouble going to bed.
7. Warm weather, finally I think Spring is here and we can finally get out the flip flops!!!
8. Smoothie King, how much I love my smoothies!!
9. DVR, I can't tell you how many shows I have to watch to catch up.......3 weeks behind on almost everything.....saving them for rainy days when there is nothing else on!
10. Kudos to Jennifer who not only started this list, but who takes awesome pictures of Nico and to all of you who will be bombarded with them before you know it!!
Until our next adventure.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Olivia & Nico
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear Haley,
Who can believe you are 10 today??? Seems like just yesterday you were toddling around like Nico and learning to walk and talk, but today you are 10....a whole decade old!!! You surprise me everytime we see you, how smart, loving and patient you are. You take after Aunt Kelli and Mommy with the love of reading, which makes me so happy and excited!!! Watching you grow up and turn into a beautiful, smart young lady has been the highlight of our lives. Even though you will be moving far from us, like your sister, you'll always have a piece of our hearts with you. So today, we celebrate you and the milestone of turning 10!!!!
Hope you have a great day!!!!!
Love you,
Uncle Bryan, Aunt Kelli & Nico
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Friday, May 08, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude: May 8th, 2009
I am grateful as always for:
1. Nico who has been a real sport even though he has been sick...he is the best kid ever!
2. For Mother's Day not only for me, but to be able to thank all the Mother's in my life and tell them how much they mean to me.
3. Texting it's unreal how much fun it is and how addicted I have become, I NEVER would of thought I would be saying.......LOL!!
4. Lauren who's 8th birthday is today...Happy Birthday Lauren!
5. I can't forget all my other nieces and nephews you are special too and have a special place in my heart always....Kait and Kourt too!
6. For nice nurses who even when I call because my child has a 102 fever and ask stupid questions, she was very patient and helpful.
7. Thomas the Train who Nico can't wait to see next weekend when we go to Spend a Day with Thomas near Cleveland.
8. For blogs to talk to even if no one wants to hear my frustrations and then letting it go.
9. Good friends, who are always there when I need them!!!
10. Train books that Nico has me read every single night, but totally worth it to see his face!!!
So there it is, my tiny list of things that I am grateful for because I definitely could go on.....
On a side note, please add my friends Pete and Michele to your prayer list. Pete's Mom is at her last stages of Cancer and is not doing well. With Mother's Day approaching it's going to be even harder for them, so please ask God to give them strength to get through this hard times. Thank you.
Until our next adventure........

Thursday, May 07, 2009
Now I am not naive to think that things like this don't happen in all schools, but this just adds the fuel to my fire and the test scores are acceptable but definitely not something to brag about they just made the Excellent mark overall by a few points. It just seems like for someone like me who has made the right choices in life, paying our bills on time, not taking a vacation when we couldn't afford it or had credit card debt through the roof but now I have to re-align my bills to compensate for the school levy that wasn't published because they wanted to make sure most people who didn't have kids in the schools not vote. I of course keep up with and did vote, as you can imagine which way and now I get to pay the price.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009

It's back.....I know you all missed my funny stories as much as I missed everyone else's but we are back and here we are being brutally honest about the stuff we could have "NEVER" done. If you want to read more "Not me! Monday" posts go to here.
I certainly have not tried to potty train and pretty much given up as Nico just has NO interest in it, no not me I would certainly never give up!
I surely didn't give in to what Nico wanted for dinner of pickles, cottage cheese and cheese...only balanced meals in this house.
And surely as I am typing this I didn't turn on a movie so I could finish this, my child NEVER watches any TV and couldn't tell you who Dora or Diego was!
And finally, I never would have skipped a shower because I was to lazy and into the latest book I was reading, no not me I would NEVER do that!!
Well there it is my Perfect things I could have NEVER done!
Friday, May 01, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude: May 1st, 2009
It's May already, can we believe?? I sure can't time has flown by!!!
I am grateful for:
1. Bryan who is the most patient, the best Daddy and who I love more than anything in the world...we'll except....
2. Nico who is the most wonderful little man in my life who can always make me laugh even on the headache days!
3. WiiFit working out has become a routine and I really enjoy the time.
4. Springlike/Summerlike weather what a beautiful weekend we had last weekend and hopefully we'll have this weekend!
5. My service person at Park Honda who sold me my first Honda and continues to put up with all my little quirks!
6. Photoshows, I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I enjoy sending them too you.
7. Friends and Family Blogs, or websites how much fun it is to keep in touch with you too!
8. Stellan got to go home!!! What a miracle baby he is.
9. DVR, I know I have said it a few times, but it is a wonderful thing!!
10. Spring Flowers, how it makes us feel when we see the tulips and other spring flowers to know WINTER is gone!!!
Until our next adventure.......