Attitude of Gratitude: May 1st, 2009
It's May already, can we believe?? I sure can't time has flown by!!!
I am grateful for:
1. Bryan who is the most patient, the best Daddy and who I love more than anything in the world...we'll except....
2. Nico who is the most wonderful little man in my life who can always make me laugh even on the headache days!
3. WiiFit working out has become a routine and I really enjoy the time.
4. Springlike/Summerlike weather what a beautiful weekend we had last weekend and hopefully we'll have this weekend!
5. My service person at Park Honda who sold me my first Honda and continues to put up with all my little quirks!
6. Photoshows, I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I enjoy sending them too you.
7. Friends and Family Blogs, or websites how much fun it is to keep in touch with you too!
8. Stellan got to go home!!! What a miracle baby he is.
9. DVR, I know I have said it a few times, but it is a wonderful thing!!
10. Spring Flowers, how it makes us feel when we see the tulips and other spring flowers to know WINTER is gone!!!
Until our next adventure.......

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