Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mixed Emotions

As some of you know we have our house currently up for sale, and we know in our hearts this is the right thing for our family to do but it's just harder then I ever thought it would be.  I mean it's just a house, right?  Wrong?!??!  What I have learned it's more than a house it's a home filled with memories that will never be forgotten.  It's the house where we lived for over 8 years most of our married life, the home where we brought our only son home from the hospital....the only home he has known for the past 5 years....the house where we prepared the nursery and transitioned it to his big boy room....and had so many projects as a family where we made it our own. 

I know in my heart "Home is Where the Heart is", but it doesn't make it any easier and I know after we sell our home....hopefully....and move all our possessions and start creating new memories it will just be a house to us again.  One we drive by and realize it's someone else's "home" and maybe I sound like I don't think we are making the right decision....I know in my heart we are.  Any changes are scary and I am trying to get excited but every time someone else walks through house I think this could be there "home" soon....

Maybe another reason is that everything we have found online doesn't compare to what I feel I already have and I am hoping as my realtor told us when you walk through the door, you just I am trying to feed on that excitement and hoping we find that perfect place soon or that I can talk Daddy into considering building our dream home......

I am sure everyone has gone through this over the years and I guess I didn't feel the attachment to our first house as I do now because I couldn't wait to let the door slam behind me.....but I know this is a New Chapter in our lives that is the best for us, but right now that doesn't make it any easier and my mixed emotions are getting the best of me.

Fingers and Toes Crossed my friends and family that someone walks through our front door and finds their Home as we did over 8 years ago......

Until my next "emotional crazy lady" moment......

1 comment:

Jennifer Norch said...

Awww, selling your house is definitely an emotional time. Even after we built our house, I still cried a little when we left our old house, and now even we go back in it I still get a little misty thinking off all the milestones in that house! Good luck with your house-hunting...I'm sure you'll find something wonderful!!