Playing train and Snow pants
Until our next adventure.........
Welcome to the wonderful, but crazy world of being Nico's Mom. Who in a little over 8 years, has not only taught me what unconditional love really is, but also what true patience really means!!!
Playing train and Snow pants
Until our next adventure.........
Here we were again, it's bedtime last night and I am thinking I can't go through another night of screaming, yelling, crying, stomping (again, him not me) so I did what I thought would be easiest. I let him run around the neighborhood from the time we got home until 7ish when it was time to come in for dinner and bathtime. I thought for sure this had to tire him out, right??? We'll kind of.........so we came in and turned on Shrek 2 for the millionth time and then while I made his favorite meal of Mac-n-cheese, he played Playdough. So good so far except for the screaming fit he threw when I made him put his wagon away and come in the house, but I guess what do you expect from a 2 year old?? So anyways, we had Mac-n-cheese and then applesauce, and I am sitting here thinking OK it's 7:30ish time to start the bath. Thinking another half hour in the bathtub, and then it'll be snack time and by that time it'll be at least 8:30ish we can start our way up to our bedtime routine, right? I am thinking we had a great night, played outside this is going to go smoothly...........I am still encouraged, and we turned everything off put stuff away, collected a million cars/trains that we have to take to bed and we were off upstairs....but it started, the crying I want to go upstairs...........Nico we are going upstairs, no downstairs. So we get in his bathroom, brush his teeth, I gotta go potty...really Nico you have to go potty, NO see he has figured out if he says the right things it'll stall more! Smart little booger! Then we were off to his room, turned on his lamp at his request and said our prayers got our ritual of organizing the cars/trucks, Georgie and Mr. Bear and I said " I love you Nico, it's time for night, night". And to my surprise, he said No but didn't start crying or getting up so I thought I am going to do a few things and then go downstairs to watch my TV that I am 4 weeks behind on.....so off with my cup of tea I went. About an half hour later, I hear the crying, screaming and I am thinking you know I am just going to let it go and can you believe after about 20 minutes, he figured out I wasn't coming back and fell asleep with his cars lined up on the floor, one inches from his nose, sleeping. (Thanks, Terri for the advice and even though I knew it, after you telling me when it happened, I remembered what you said and made sure I stuck to my guns by not going back in) I guess he just gave up! So of course I put him back to bed and turned off his light, and he still wasn't awake when I left this morning!
So, I am a little nervous still about bedtime tonight but at least Bryan will be there to see what I have been going through....but we all know that Nico will probably sleep like an angel at 8:30PM and Daddy will say I am crazy!!! Let's hope there isn't a Part 3 to this story!
Not sure of how many readers of mine know that Adriane and I also have a Book Club that we choose different books to blog about. It has been a lot of fun, and we have read some really good books. Although, as the title of this entry is "Fireproof" is a book we both read not as part of our Book Club, but as something that I think at least I feel a lot of couples should read. It has great meaning and if you are interested in reading my thoughts on the book, head over to our Book Club Blog at BookClub-101. If reading isn't something you love to do, like we do the movie is also available on DVD. Just a great movie to spend time watching or reading with the one you love.
Until our next adventure.........
Although how much more perfect could you get??
I certainly could not have went to the drug store in my sweatpants and sweatshirt that I had worn to bed the night before...not me I always take a shower and get dressed properly before I go anywhere.
On the line of PJ's no way did Nico and I stay in our PJ's all day Sunday and not change until after bathtime and stay inside playing and watching movies all day, no way we are definitely about structure...ALWAYS!
It is not possible that I heard Nico open his dresser drawers while he was suppose to be napping and catch him in the act of climbing up his dresser....no way, not my child he knows better!! (Don't worry the dresser is bolted to the wall, and if the dresser comes down so is the drywall)
Of course since I am a daily user of my Wii Fit, since moving it to the basement of course every night I have been down there making sure I continually keep on my constant workout cycle of 5 nights a week!!!
Well it's not much but another week of cleansing my soul, and letting everyone else know that we all are perfect in different ways!!
Happy Monday!!