Well here we are again, another edition of all the things that the "Perfect" Mom I am would NEVER do!! Head over to McMama's Blog to read about other "Perfect" Mom's!
I certainly didn't let Nico play Moon Sand this past weekend and leave the mess all over the kitchen floor, table and then let him run his cars through it and found more Moon sand all over the house...NO NOT me, I certainly pick it up and clean everything off instantly.
I surely didn't pass off last week's leftovers for dinner on Saturday because I wasn't feeling well and thankfully Taco Bell is still open for Bryan to stop!
No way did I keep telling Nico after playing for hours of Trains that it would be just a few more minutes and I would play again....I always tell the truth and never fib about playing trains.
I am certainly right now not blogging at work because I certainly never do that...that would just be totally wrong!
And finally, I am surely not 3 weeks behind on all my DVR'd stuff and am watching an hour a night to catch up instead of cleaning the 3 bathrooms that need some TLC........no not me, I always keep up with everything in my house!!
Well guys there you have it! Hope everyone has a great week!
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