Attitude of Gratitude: March 13th, 2009--Vacation Style
1. On time airplanes: For the first time in 2 years, we were on time both to Atlanta and home....can you believe it?? I know I can't!
2. Portable DVD players: This is a must for traveling with a 2 year old!
3. Nice weather: We sure did have a lot of nice weather last week in GA!
4. Aquarium: Even though it was a little disappointing that it was under construction, seeing Nico's face with all the "fishies" as he calls them was pretty awesome.
5. Kenny's Driving & God: I have to say when we almost died on the way to the airport because someone cut us off, God was definitely with us and Kenny's driving saved us!
6. Lauren & Haley: They sure did entertain Nico and let him play with his toys and sleep in their tent.
7. Speaking of the tent: That was a great idea by Aunt Adriane to keep Nico contained.
8. Aunt Adriane: who put up with us destroying her house and even when Nico spilled his drink she didn't even skip a beat.
9. Word Twist: How much fun was that to play when we were sitting next to each other and I actually won..only because Adriane got a phone call!
10. Fun Family time: We sure had a lot of fun spending time Adriane, Kenny and the girls, and wish Bryan could of been there but hopefully in May we'll be able to see them again!
So there it is, my edition of Attitude of Gratitude...Vacation Style!
Until our next adventure...........

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