Vacation: March 2009
I know all of you have been patiently waiting for the tails of our trip to Atlanta/Ft. Benning, GA this past week.....especially you April!!! It was a great 4 days that was definitely to short, but well worth the trip. Thanks to Aunt Adriane, Uncle Kenny and the girls for taking such good care of us and making it such a fun time!!!
It started out great, with waking Nico up at 4:30AM to be at the airport, he wasn't cranky at all and was actually happy the entire flight. We made it there in plenty of time and didn't have to wait long until they boarded us. Nico sat in his own seat with his seatbelt on the entire time, and never got up or cried. It was a little scary when they said they had to de-ice the plane, I am thinking please Mr. De-Ice guy take your time, we are in no hurry and let's not cut corners...anyways, it was too cute when were ascending and descending, I could see he was a little nervous with all the noise so I said "Nico, do you want to hold Mommy's hand" and he put out his hand and held my hand until we were level again! At that moment, he could of had anything he wanted, he melted my heart.
Aunt Adriane, Haley and Lauren were at the Atlanta airport waiting for us, and we got our bags and headed out to breakfast while we waited for the Atlanta Aquarium to open....I got yummy French Toast and the girls got Mac-n-cheese at 8:30Am which I am sure if I would of gotten that for Nico he would of eaten it was too cute! Who would know you could get mac-n-cheese so early in the morning?? Then it was off to the aquarium where we saw so many beautiful fish, sting rays, star fish, corral and even a Beluga Whale named Nico. It was a lot of fun, and watching the girls and Nico's eyes light up with all the colors and beautiful animals was great. I have to admit, I think I might of hyped it up a little bit as it was a little disappointing how much it was under construction. But still a fun day, and I think all in all we all were glad we went.

Then it was off to McDonald's for a quick lunch and back to Ft. Benning where we all were exhausted after getting up so early. We relaxed and unfortunately Uncle Kenny was in the field so we didn't get to see him until Thursday night. It was off to bed early, and Nico did OK sleeping in a bed with me, but we decided the tent was much better as we didn't wake each other up.
On Thursday, we got up and got the girls off to school all the while, Nico was yelling "Lauren, Lauren" for quite a while after she left, it was to cute! Then Adriane and I took Nico to see tanks and an old train on Post at the old Museum. To our surprise, Nico wasn't really interested in the tanks but he loved the old train and even though we weren't suppose to climb on them, Nico had to have a moment on the train! Luckily, Aunt Adriane caught Nico in time before the red anthill got him....since the soil is sandy they make mounds all over the place, and you don't realize you are in one until it's almost to late. Then we were off to the PX and Ranger Joe's, Nico got a Cami shirt and we couldn't find Daddy a wallet...we also couldn't find Cami's for Nico's Halloween costume but maybe online!!! After the girls got home, we went to the Park and waited for Uncle Kenny to come back from the field. Finally, we were off to eat Mexican and it was delicious but of course Nico was more interested in chips, then his chicken and fries!

On Friday, we weren't sure what to do it was kind of dreary day so we took a walk in the morning and then were off to WalMart to get stuff for our adventure that night at King's Pond. We got graham crackers for Smore's and Aunt Adriane got Nico a cute t-shirt. Then we decided to get lunch at Olive Garden, and I had yummy soup and for dessert Tirumusi!!! The girls came home and the kids played outside, and after Uncle Kenny got home we loaded the car full of yummy campfire food and were off to King's Pond. Uncle Kenny started the fire and we got our hot dog's on while the kids played on the playground and then we ate, and onced again since Nico ate all Uncle Kenny's poptarts, he was not into it....sorry Uncle Kenny.....then the kids played some more and took some cute pictures that I will post tonight. We ended the night with Smore's and tired kids! It was definitely a great time!!!

Finally Saturday morning, we woke up to dreary weather and Lauren had to go to a soccer game, but since it was so chilly and rainy, Haley, Nico and I stayed home but Lauren's team won 3-1 and she shot a goal!!! Great job! Then we relaxed and left for Atlanta about 3:30 so we could eat dinner at a cool place called Orient Express, which is inside a train car! The food was great and Nico loved the train that went by and the waiter who seemed to like playing games with him! It was too cute, when the waiter asked him if he wanted to stay there and Nico put his arms out to him! Then we were off to the airport, where of course the highlight of the night was riding the tram to board the plane. We have to take a moment to thank Uncle Kenny for saving our lives, we were driving down I-85, I think when a car decided in the mist of all the traffic to pull in front of us for no reason, and cut us off but luckily Uncle Kenny saw it coming and stepped on and off the break in time and the guy in the left lane saw us coming and veered off to the left. I truly thought we were going to be in trouble, but luckily again Thanks to Uncle Kenny's driving skills we were OK but all scared crapless and glad to park at the restaurant!!! The worst part of it all was the guy that cut everyone off had no clue.........don't worry we can him the you are #1 salute!!
So all in all it was a great trip, with no tears on the plane and we had a great relaxing time!! Thanks to Aunt Adriane, Uncle Kenny and the girls for letting us terrorize their house and taking such good care of us!!! Hopefully we'll be able to see them one last time until their adventures in Korea!!!
Until our next adventure..........

1 comment:
We enjoyed having you guys here and had a lot of fun!
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