Here I am at work cruising the Internet as the time is ticking down until I leave for Georgia in the morning and come upon this article at MSN about Designer Babies. So of course it gets my attention and I can't help but click on the article to see what this is all about and to my surprise, it's not about designer clothes but designing the perfect child?? So normally my blog is about something funny Nico did or a family vacation, but this article really got under my skin and I thought more of you would be interested to know what the future may hold....take a moment and please read the article.
I am going to preface myself, as I normally don't opinionate myself on such topics and don't bring my beliefs into my blog because this is suppose to be a free spirited fun family blog where people come to hear the adventures of our little angel...but with that said.....
After reading the article I thought what the heck is wrong with people, as many people know or don't know I wasn't ever sure that we were going to get pregnant as it took us 13 months to get pregnant and about to give up, but God decided it was our turn and after 10 long months Nico was born. But in that time of trying to get pregnant or even after the fact I never thought gosh, I wonder how I can make Nico have blond hair or blue eyes, or make sure he is taller than 6'. I mean as long as he was healthy, which thankfully he was, I wasn't thinking about his eye color or how intelligent he is going to be and I certainly don't feel that we should play God. God never intended for us to be selfish and worry about eye color, what happened at just being happy the baby was healthy. Now I am not going to lie, Bryan was more than excited that Nico was a boy, but we would of never went to a doctor to ensure he was a boy because that just isn't right to play God. There are to many things that could wrong in a normal pregnancy, why would you want to put yourself up for more potential problems?
I wanted to have Nico more than anything in this world but I would never for selfish reason put him at risk, and to me this is what these people are doing putting their children at risk for very selfish reasons. Nico has the most beautiful blue eyes, but if they were brown or green or any other color, it didn't matter all that mattered was that he was healthy and that we loved him the way God made him. So I guess I ask myself and to all of you who read my blog, do you think it's OK for these people to play God and what I take as a selfish act to have what they think is the "Perfect" child?
Read the article I linked above and let me know what you I crazy because this upset me or is this normal and I am just old-fashioned? What do you think?
Until our next to Atlanta in the morning!!

1 comment:
I totally agree with you Kelli. What type of person would want to play God? It's crazy with all the technology what we are capable of doing. I just hope most people think like you and I. Have fun in Atlanta!
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