Attitude of Gratitude: April 24th, 2009
Who can believe it's Friday already.....seems like time is flying by!
I am grateful for:
1. Good friends and family who helped celebrate my birthday last weekend...I think I ate enough for 3 people!
2. That Baby Stellan made it out of surgery OK, and although things are turning out the way they thought hopefully things will turn around soon.
3. Three pays in April, I know I have used that before but it's still GREAT!
4. Antibiotics that got rid of all my crud I had last week!
5. Along with that the greatest Doctor in the world who continually puts up with me!
6. Nico who is starting to think in the right direction of potty training....I hope!
7. Swimming Classes and Pre-school, it's so good to see him socializing and doing things on his own!
8. Email, Internet and Facebook all of these things help me keep connected with new and old friends even when life sweeps me away from them!
9. Dance Recitals, it is so much fun to see Kait and Kourt work so hard all year and then perform like pros!
10. Thomas the Train who Nico is so into right now, and hopefully we'll be making a Percy the Train purchase VERY soon (going on the big potty for the first time reward).
Happy Friday!!!
Until our next adventure...
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