Potty Training Update
Just wanted everyone to know that we might be on to something.......
Although it was after Daddy had him on the potty, but when Daddy asked him if he wanted to get up he said no "I gotta go to the potty"!!! I know he didn't go but at least he asked, that's the right step.....RIGHT??
Anyways, I am excited and lets just hope he will go so we can buy him Percy the Train he wants so bad!!!
I'll try to keep you updated on his progress!
Until our next adventure........

Yay Nico! Now he just needs to use it. It will come and he is associating it now so hopefully things will progress faster for you.
I got to you through MckMama's blog - it got my attention that you sign as "Nico's Mom" and guess what my little one is Nico too!! And his 3rd b'day is in September too ...
... Yeay for potty training ... I've posted a couple of times about it on my blog. To us this has been a hard milestone to go through but it's been working for a while =)
Great to find you and read you.
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