Summer is here?!?!?
I don't want to say it to loud but....................SUMMER HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!!
Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away, but with the beautiful weekend we just had..I ask all of you how can we not be so excited!! I truly thought winter was NEVER going to end!!!! I mean think back a couple of weeks and it was snowing for gosh sakes!!!!!
Anyways, we had a great weekend playing outside, getting yard work done and staining the deck yet again this year! I got sunburned which kind of stunk but since it was so nice, I guess that was my stupidity since I lathered my son up, but not me! And even when Nico played with his washable paint set, it couldn't ruin my mood even though he had paint all over him, his carpet and all his craft stuff in his closet.....but how could I be mad when it was my fault for leaving the closet unlocked. So needless to say the paint is in the trash, the coloring books that were stuck together and the playdough container has bit the dust!!!! But like I said nothing could ruin my weekend and I should have taken some pictures because now looking back it was pretty funny, but at the time and the hour and half it took me to clean it up was not so much fun!
Let's all hope that we continue with this beautiful weather and nice breeze in the continuing days because I hoping Summer will last just a couple days extra this year since we could never seem to get rid of WINTER!!!!
Until our next adventure....

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