Wednesday, April 15, 2009

As promised, the real story of what happened if you watch closely the second Officer is actually the one who shot the suspect. The suspect was reaching for a second hand gun as he was putting down the assault rifle, and fortuantely the second Officer was there to see him reach for the gun and save the 1st Officer's life.
What my point is that take the New Stories as they are and realize that sometimes the truth isn't always told, and in this case how many were quick to judge..sadly I know I was, and me of all people should know better......
Take a moment to watch this video.

Watch this video and let me know with your comment of what you think happened here and then I will post what actually happened. It caught me off guard even with the open mind of being a Deputies wife, I still was quick to judge. I tease him all the time that he is just a glorified babysitter, but out there it is a crazy world I pretend his life is not in danger everyday, but we all know the truth…’s a crazy world we live in and we all need to appreciate our Law Enforcement for what they do for hardly nothing, but for the pure love of their jobs.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

Adriane said...

At first watch it looked like the cop opened fire for no reason since he was putting the gun down. But I think the guy was drawing another gun.