Welcome to the wonderful, but crazy world of being Nico's Mom. Who in a little over 8 years, has not only taught me what unconditional love really is, but also what true patience really means!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Week 9: January 30th, 2009
Where did January go and who can believe this is the 9th week of A of G?? Time is flying once again, my Mom keeps telling me as you get older it goes faster and now I am realizing that is the truth. So here we go.....
1. Our Suburu that is AWD even as a car, it got me to work on Wednesday just in time to do a few things and turn around and come back home! Love Snow Days!!
2. Nico who has decided every word you say, he can say too! Words like Mommy Pooed or Comme Dude....gotta love this stage!
3. A of G list, I have really enjoyed writing mine and reading everyone else's. It makes me feel good about how good I really have it.
4. Tax time, I know this sounds weird but getting our tax refund is always a fun time to figure out what project we are going to do on the house this year.
5. Pre-School, how much fun Nico will have in April when he starts...and how excited Mommy is to see how much he learns!
6. Blocks, we have had so much fun this week building with Nico's blocks and watching him destroy it only to have Mommy and Daddy build it again!
7. Nico's laugh and smile, these two things could get him anything!!! His laugh is addicting and could turn anyone's bad day into a good one!
8. Modern Medicine, how it's done so many great things for me but also for my Cousin's wife who thankfully hasn't had the baby yet, and things seem to be looking ok.
9. Sleds and snow, how much fun Nico has had these past couple of weeks playing in the snow, and Daddy too!
10. Hot chocolate and yummy snacks after a hard day of playing in the snow to warm up.
It's been an interesting week with a blizzard like snow, but we can definitely all be grateful that we made it through with power so many are still without!
Until our next adventure...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Mommy, what is this??
Monday, January 26, 2009
I never would of let Nico eat Mac -n- cheese all weekend because all he said that he wanted was mac -n- cheese and it was to cute to say NO to and I certainly wouldn't have given him oreo pudding after he only ate half of his second helping of it because I certainly make my child eat nutritious homemade meals, not out of a box!
Of course yesterday when we went over to my Mom's I was all prim and proper and would have NEVER taken Nico in his jammies and then not change him until it was bathtime into another set of jammies, NO NOT ME!
I could of never let Nico play in his room after naptime because I was running on my Wii Fit and still had 3 minutes to go...I always promptly stop what I am doing and go running for his room when I hear him up.
I certainly didn't fall asleep a half hour before Bryan got home because I always stay up to make sure his food is ready and to see how is night was, because that's what a proper wife does!
And finally, I am certainly not having a birthday cake for my puppy who turns 9 tomorrow because that would be silly she's just a dog....LOL! Tell her that!
Until our next adventure or Not Me's...............
Friday, January 23, 2009
This has been a slow week, but as always I have a lot to be grateful for!
1. Wii Fit: I have had so much fun working out, and actually look forward to my time to do it!! I never thought that was possible.
2. Creative Memories: It was so much going through my stuff and getting excited to finish Nico's 2nd book....my goal is next week!!!
3. Bob the Builder: That's all that is playing in my house, Nico ask for Bob, Bob the builder it's too cute!
4. My new Env2 cell phone, I love the keyboard, sound bytes option and camera.....just wait a text is coming your way!!!
5. Libraries: It was so much fun taking Nico to the library last night and picking out books that have Athena in it! Although the part when he screamed bc we had to leave wasn't fun, but we'll forget that!!
6. Snow pants: It's been so much fun, but challenging bundling Nico up but watching is face playing in the snow these past weeks are priceless.
7. The "Twilight" series: I am sure I have said this in the past, but I have really enjoyed reading them and am really sad that I am on the last book.
8. Warmer weather: I know it's suppose to get colder this weekend but these last few days of not freezing my tooshie off while waiting for my car to warm up after work has been wonderful!!!
9. Creamsticks: Even though I shouldn't be eating them, gosh how good one was today. Don't go down south and ask for one, they'll look at ya like you are crazy!!!
10. Holiday pay: How nice it was for Bryan to get paid for two holidays, and overtime on his paycheck this pay!! UMMM, how to spend the extra money....maybe Nico needs to add to his shoe collection..LOL!
Until Nico's next adventure......
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
I don't know in my 13 years of knowing Bryan what was worse being Marine's wife or being Deputies wife, and I know that's silly to say as when he was in the military the world was so different and there wasn't a war going on, but what you don't think of is the times he was on the tarmac ready to be shipped out to God knows where and I had no idea what was going on, or all those many months he was guarding the President and who knows what could of happened then. What I know now to what I knew then, I was naive and young. But let's fast forward to now when everyday he gets in his bullet proof vest, grabs his gear and gun and I kiss him goodbye not even realizing that one day someone could show up at my door. I never really felt that way when we were enlisted, and now until today I hadn't thought about it in a while. Mr. Dean was just a 24 year old, 6 months on the job and thinking this was just another day and in an instant one mistake changed his whole families lives, never to be the same again. That broke my heart, and made me realize that even though I tease Bryan about never pulling his gun out I think I do it to cover up the fear and realization that at any moment he could encounter the same situation and our lives could be changed forever.
So with that said, I know that what Bryan does is something that is not what he does for the paycheck, but for the true love of what he does and wanting to make a difference. And I do call him a glorified babysitter, but today when I was talking to him and over the radio they called all cars to a robbery, and the next thing I know his lights and sirens are going along with his engine reeving and him coming back and saying "I gotta go, I love you" all I could think about was Mr. Dean and how everything changed in an instant.
I guess what I am trying to do is get my point across that in the paper when you read about the sales tax and those who complain about it because we are getting taxed to death, think about what you are saying. And think about all the selfless things the police do to keep your neighborhood safe or come to the rescue when you dial 911 and need help, they don't think ummm I can't afford another tax. They come to your rescue without a complaint or fight, and as with Bryan go out of there way to help you anyway they can. I just don't understand people's fight over something that in one way or another EVERYONE will need in their lifetime, but have no problem spending $9 for a movie and another $20 on food at the movies but complain when they get taxed an extra twenty-five cents per hundred.....what the heck has this world come too??? I for one, support my fire departments, EMT's, police, military all of those who in some point in my life will need and we all should say thank you, not bash them down by complaining about a sales tax that may save our county departments.
It's once again another Monday addition of "Not Me! Monday" thanks to one of my favorite sites www.mycharmingkids.net!!! So without any hesitation, here we go........
I certainly didn't take a nap on Sunday because I was so tired while Nico slept for 2 hours....no not me I would of certainly cleaned the bathrooms, finished the laundry because I definitely manage my time better than that!
I would of never went to a birthday party without showering, doing my hair and making sure I was perfect in every way! No not me, I always make sure every hair is in place, and my outfit certainly was ironed and not a wrinkle in sight!!!
I couldn't have eaten breakfast from McDonald's and then ate a donut when Dad brought them over. And let Nico eat a donut after he had eaten a Smore's poptart and some of Mommy and Daddy's McDonalds, certainly I feed my child only healthy balanced meals...never fast food!!
I surely didn't put off ordering new cell phones and even though Bryan has been on me for 2 weeks to do it because I always am organized and do everything in a timely manner. I certainly didn't decide to play Wii Fit instead of ordering them again last night, no way!
Well that certainly felt good to state all those "lies" because certainly in every way I am the perfect wife and mother!!!
Until our next adventure.......
Friday, January 16, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
uh, oh Nico fell!!
Until our next "snow" adventures....
Friday, January 09, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Believe it or not we have all changed throughout the years, I like to think that I have gotten better with age but wouldn't it be nice to be 20 again......we'll maybe not...LOL! Bryan and I's 10 year anniversary is coming up on the 9th and I thought this would be a fun time to look back to see how we have changed. I had to laugh at how my hair has changed, and how Bryan's hasn't!!!! So join me for a walk down memory lane of our last 10 years of blissful marriage!!!
Christmas 1997
Our wedding day, January 9th, 1999
Our Wedding Party
Me, 2002....what color is my hair??
Christmas 2002
2003, Windsor, Canada
2005, Niagara Falls, Canada
Chay's 1st Birthday, July 2007
Christmas 2007....
you knew I couldn't put one of just Nico, could you??
April 2008
Akron Zoo, 2008
Christmas 2008
It's been a roller coaster ride, one that I wouldn't change for the world and the best times have come and gone, but I can only imagine the best are to come!!! So many memories, so little blogger space!!! I wonder how many memories all of you remember of Bryan and me from the last 10 years.....I bet everyone can remember the tequila bottle at our wedding or the blue undies I had on and loved to flash at everyone!!! What's your favorite memory of us??
Happy Anniversary, I love you Bryan!!!
Monday, January 05, 2009
I certainly NEVER could of let Nico stay up until 10:30 or so on New Year's because he was playing so nice with his friends even though his bedtime is 8ish.....no way, a good mother would made sure he was home and even remembered to brush his teeth, read a story and had him to bed promptly at 8.
No way would I put my hands up and wave the white flag on potty training because of course I am dedicated to make sure my little guy is potty trained the first of this 2009 year!!! Any help from anyone would definitely be appreciated....
I would of never neglected my house, not made dinner and stayed up way to late on a work night just to finish "Eclipse" no not me because of course I am perfect and keep up with everything, everyday!!!
What kind of mother would take all of child's playdough, markers, crayons and anything else messy and put them in a box in Nico's closet and let him get it out and do whatever he creatively felt like even if it meant Nico eating playdough...EWWW...or getting finger paints all over the place and I think there is still playdough on the floor....no not me, we do everything in an organize fashion at our house!
And finally, I would of never left toys in the Great Room, had Nico's playroom half cleaned up, half crap everywhere and left it that way for 2 days....no way not me!!!!! I always make sure all of his toys are cleaned up and organized and never would I had cleaned up smashed up fish crackers on his train table because I don't let my son walk around with food, we always eat at the table!!!
So there it is all my "imperfections" of the week, it's so great to read everyone's to know that we are all so VERY PERFECT!!!!
Until next time....