I certainly NEVER could of let Nico stay up until 10:30 or so on New Year's because he was playing so nice with his friends even though his bedtime is 8ish.....no way, a good mother would made sure he was home and even remembered to brush his teeth, read a story and had him to bed promptly at 8.
No way would I put my hands up and wave the white flag on potty training because of course I am dedicated to make sure my little guy is potty trained the first of this 2009 year!!! Any help from anyone would definitely be appreciated....
I would of never neglected my house, not made dinner and stayed up way to late on a work night just to finish "Eclipse" no not me because of course I am perfect and keep up with everything, everyday!!!
What kind of mother would take all of child's playdough, markers, crayons and anything else messy and put them in a box in Nico's closet and let him get it out and do whatever he creatively felt like even if it meant Nico eating playdough...EWWW...or getting finger paints all over the place and I think there is still playdough on the floor....no not me, we do everything in an organize fashion at our house!
And finally, I would of never left toys in the Great Room, had Nico's playroom half cleaned up, half crap everywhere and left it that way for 2 days....no way not me!!!!! I always make sure all of his toys are cleaned up and organized and never would I had cleaned up smashed up fish crackers on his train table because I don't let my son walk around with food, we always eat at the table!!!
So there it is all my "imperfections" of the week, it's so great to read everyone's to know that we are all so VERY PERFECT!!!!
Until next time....

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