Believe it or not we have all changed throughout the years, I like to think that I have gotten better with age but wouldn't it be nice to be 20 again......we'll maybe not...LOL! Bryan and I's 10 year anniversary is coming up on the 9th and I thought this would be a fun time to look back to see how we have changed. I had to laugh at how my hair has changed, and how Bryan's hasn't!!!! So join me for a walk down memory lane of our last 10 years of blissful marriage!!!

Christmas 1997

Our wedding day, January 9th, 1999
Our Wedding Party
Me, 2002....what color is my hair??
Christmas 2002
2003, Windsor, Canada
2005, Niagara Falls, Canada
Chay's 1st Birthday, July 2007
Christmas 2007....
you knew I couldn't put one of just Nico, could you??
April 2008
Akron Zoo, 2008
Christmas 2008
It's been a roller coaster ride, one that I wouldn't change for the world and the best times have come and gone, but I can only imagine the best are to come!!! So many memories, so little blogger space!!! I wonder how many memories all of you remember of Bryan and me from the last 10 years.....I bet everyone can remember the tequila bottle at our wedding or the blue undies I had on and loved to flash at everyone!!! What's your favorite memory of us??
Happy Anniversary, I love you Bryan!!!

One of my favorite memories would be our road to Paris Island for Bryan's graduation of Boot Camp. That was fun. Or when we took him to Washington DC. These are all revolving around road trips...
Ok, how about the prom that we had for mom. We all drank to much, but we sure had fun and Kenny and Bryan almost wrecked the mustang...
McDonalds was fun to...
I have too many fun memories to list...
Gosh, Parris Island how long ago was that we were still teenagers.......that was a fun trip though!!! Remember the hotel we stayed in for a whole 3 seconds on the way back?? MEMORIES!!!!
I forgot about the 3 second hotel. I do mention that place whenever Kenny and I drive through there to see Gpa. LOL!
That was such a fun road trip...Jetson bridges and bridge freezes before road signs.
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