I never would of let Nico eat Mac -n- cheese all weekend because all he said that he wanted was mac -n- cheese and it was to cute to say NO to and I certainly wouldn't have given him oreo pudding after he only ate half of his second helping of it because I certainly make my child eat nutritious homemade meals, not out of a box!
Of course yesterday when we went over to my Mom's I was all prim and proper and would have NEVER taken Nico in his jammies and then not change him until it was bathtime into another set of jammies, NO NOT ME!
I could of never let Nico play in his room after naptime because I was running on my Wii Fit and still had 3 minutes to go...I always promptly stop what I am doing and go running for his room when I hear him up.
I certainly didn't fall asleep a half hour before Bryan got home because I always stay up to make sure his food is ready and to see how is night was, because that's what a proper wife does!
And finally, I am certainly not having a birthday cake for my puppy who turns 9 tomorrow because that would be silly she's just a dog....LOL! Tell her that!
Until our next adventure or Not Me's...............

1 comment:
I love those mac and cheese things I can understand why the kid would eat them all weekm great not me monday.
I was also wondering if you would like to take part in my new blog called tribute tuesday. It's a chance to pay tribute to some one who lightes up your life.
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