So to my loyal readers, I am asking for advice, advice on how to explain potty training, how to start with potty training or just some advice on where to begin.
Let me back up a little bit now we have purchased the potty chair, the potty insert and neither one will he go to the bathroom on. We have sat him on the potty, gave him a magazine or book, tried to sing songs or anything else that would possibly entertain him and he just sits, and sits but still nothing. We have talked about going to the potty when we are going, tried to bribe him with candy and now he has pooped in the bathtub twice this week alone, but won't tell us he has to go. I have also tried to show him the big boy undies, and bought pull-ups and worn them on him. I showed him where the stars were and continually asked him if the stars were still there or if he had wet himself. We have sat him on the potty every hour, and again he just sits and sits but nothing. Then he gets up runs down the hall and then comes back and sits and sits like it's a game, but I don't want to punish him for not sitting on the potty as I am afraid he won't ever sit on it again.
And I do understand that people keep telling me he'll know when he is ready, but guys he is almost two and half years old and starting preschool in a couple of months! I just want him to have a basic concept, not be truly and completely trained. He has NO interest and never tells me when he has to go, and I asked if he peed every time I change him but nothing.
I am completely and totally open to anyone who can give me advice on where to start. I am trying to make it a fun experience but I know he can see my frustration at times. I never thought this would be so hard, and I have to admit it's the hardest thing I have EVER tried to do and feel very defeated before I even have begun. So to anyone out there, if you have any advice it would be great appreciated!
Until our next adventure.....

Kennedy practically potty-trained herself once we took her diapers off and let her run around the house without pants on. We put her potty chair in the living room, where it was easy for her to get to, and was a constant visual reminder for her, and soon she was sitting on it and doing her business. Dillon was a little harder, and didn't really get the knack of it until he was 2-1/2- I think boys just take a little longer. Did you try putting goldfish or cheerios in the potty and letting him have "target practice"? That seemed to help Dillon too!!
Logan was equally as frustrating...only he would act like he was ready, only to have me put him in underwear and have him straight-face look at us and tell us he peed ON THE CARPET...and didn't really care, either! I know frustrated you feel. Meanwhile you are trying NOT to appear upset so you don't upset/discourage him. AGhhh!!
After numerous attempts, I 'gave up' and followed the same advice you had been just let them decide. It wasn't until exactly the day of his THIRD birthday that he woke up from his nap and declared that he wanted to put big boy pants on...and the rest is history.
Jen is right...boys are a bit harder. Just hang in there, try her suggestions, and continue to give lots of praise and encouragement :)
I do not have a lot of advice since we have girls, but a friend of mine told me that her for her sons she put them in big boy underwear and watched him as he played. She says that when they get ready to pee that their little things stand straight up. They have no control of them at this age and she was able to get them to the potty before they went in their underwear and then rewarded them for it. Good Luck!
Hey, i came across your potty training blog via Jen's page. I'm in the process of potty training my twin boys. I know where you're coming from on the hard to do side of it. With the boys, we started off by every time we changed their daipers we would say okay now go potty...and take them back to the bathroom and sit them on their potty chairs. Eventually they got the general idea...then we put them in the big boy pants and then set a timer. Every time the timer goes off (15 minutes) we take them back. Now, after about a week of strait doing nothing but potty training - and i'm talking we havent been out of the house - they're finally getting the hang of it and when the timer goes off they're running back and going "have to go potty". Today,we had a breakthrough and actually had one of them come up to me and say "Mom, have to go potty" and then run back to the bathroom - no timer involved. Jens right, it's a hard thing training boys - though i dont have a girl to compare it to...good luck!
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