Week 5: Attitude of Gratitude
As for the first addition of A of G of 2009, we definitely have a lot of things to be thankful for!!!
So with that said, I am definitely grateful for:
1. The Christmas cookies and all that I ate, and all the yummy traditional foods but I am also grateful that it's only a month or so long.....I would be 200 pounds if not!!!
2. I am so happy that I have found plane tickets to visit Bryan's sister & family, for $167 and that Bryan is actually considering going with me if he can get off!!!
3. I am also very lucky to have a husband who loves me more than anything, and that next Friday we get to celebrate our 10th anniversary....where has the time gone?
4. Stickerbooks, who would of thought that would be the best entertainment for Nico?? Gotta get to the store to get more!!!
5. Being here to be able to post my A of G, and actually doing pretty good considering all I have been through.
6. Doggie toys, oh how I love to watch Athena try to get the squeaker out of the toys she got for Christmas and watch Nico and her play.
7. The "Twilight" series, oh how I have neglected my house to read...it's almost addicting!!
8. Camcorder, how I have really loved taping, watching and remembering Nico when he was little to now....it's almost feel like another lifetime ago when he was born!!
9. Tea, how much I love tea. Especially when you are sick and it's very comforting!!!
10. Having such good family and friends to spend the holidays with, and also who have gotten me through some tough times.
It's been a tough year, but this is going to be a year of great things to come!!!

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