Another edition of the famous "Not Me Monday!!!" from one of my favorite blogs to read, Being the perfect wife and mother that I am, I am sure I could of never done anything listed below!!!!
I certainly didn't take Nico outside to play in the snow, let him fall flat on his face in the snow and laugh as he spit out a mouthful of snow. No not me, I would always run out and pick him up, brush him off and make sure he wasn't frozen. (Look at my blog below you can see a picture)
No way did on my anniversary weekend stay on the couch on Saturday and watch Nico play with his toys, let him watch Bob the Builder again and just veg out in my jammies until it was time to get ready to go out. No not me I always have a structured day for Nico, and with Bryan off of course we made plans for every moment!
It couldn't be possible that I had 4 Martini's on Saturday night and left Nico at Great-Grandma's and danced on the floor with Kiki and Kelly, because I certainly cannot dance and no way would I have a martini that had dry ice and bubbled when it came to the table. Not me, I am too responsible for that!
Who would of thought I didn't clean one thing this weekend until Nico went to bed Sunday night and left the playroom and living room a mess with cars EVERYWHERE because every day I pick up, sweep and dust. No way could you ever see a speck of dust in MY house!!!!
Well there you go, another end to a perfect week with me being the perfect person I always am, the perfect Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, and Aunt that I could be!!!
Until my next "perfect" adventure.....

Sounds like the perfect weekend, spent on your couch.
Loved your Not Me Monday.
Sounds like a wonderful Saturday to me. Great NMM's. Have a fantastic week.
Awesome NMM's.
Well, you'd certainly see a speck of dust in mine! ;)
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