Saturday, November 24, 2007

We took our fourth trip to NC since little Nico was born and I learned one thing, well maybe will do anything to entertain a 1 year old and he has taken over control!!! OK, as with my previous post I guess the second part we already knew but he made sure we reaffirmed it on our trip!
It started out very nice he was talking, well baby talking in his LOUD voice and we were enjoying the trip until, ok believe it or not after a couple of hours he wanted out and he wanted out NOW!!! Of course being the responsible parents we are that wasn't plausible sooo....he comes the I would do anything to entertain a 1 year we made funny faces, sang songs I would NEVER want anyone to hear me sing, eat gold fish and more gold fish, stopped for Burger King because we have to have Chicken and FF again!!! I know, I know it's the worse thing that you can feed your kid and Bryan says he is going to hate Chicken one day but when your desperate for him to feed himself, it's Chicken and FF AGAIN!!!!!
I look back now and realize that he was a really good boy, but if anyone saw the faces I made or the songs I sang they would look at me and she has lost it, and maybe I have but it made our trip so much more pleasant and along with enjoying our week at Grandma's we had a a fun trip home, which one day I am sure he will never remember but if he does he'll think man my Mom is a dork!!!
Happy Weekend!!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

So my family got the wonderful experience on what pink eye is and why we don't want it again. See it all began couple of weeks ago when Nico started to get a cold and what I thought was a cold in his eyes, but surprise not only wasn't it but Mommy had it too! So the fevers started for both of us and the running nose and eyes, which gave the normal week a wonderful twist, ha! So lesson learned on both Mommy and Daddy's part, when Nico has something coming out of his eyes don't touch it!!!! And definitely don't touch your own eyes!!!!
But as with anything else in the adventures of Nico it was a big surprise, but once again he is off and running waiting for the exact moment when he can sneak up on Athena and thus begins the chase...Athena running away and Nico wanting to love his puppy. Who would of thought all those moments when I thought is Nico ever going to walk, I would think that can't he just lay down for a second??? Truly though this time in his life has been definitely been the best and now that he has decided that he needs to copy everything we do, it's time to reevaluate our gestures and words because Nico has now finally become a mimic of us!!!!
Until the next adventure........