Thursday, July 29, 2010

Decisions, Decisions....
Where to have Nico's 4th Birthday Party??

With only a little over 2 months until Nico's 4th Birthday for once I have no idea of where to have Nico's birthday party. I have a few ideas from bowling, to indoor putt-putt, Chuck-E-Cheese, or even back at the indoor playground but I can't make a decision!!

So I am curious what ideas any of you might have. Bowling would be fun because our family has all different age ranges and I was thinking Chuck E Cheese but the tubes innocent when Nico was 2 still grosses me out that we haven't been back since.......I just don't know.......what do you think?

Until our next "birthday" adventure!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Butterfly House

Alliance, Ohio



Beautiful Butterfly

Holding a Caterpillar!

It pooped on Nico's hand right after the picture :)

Of course a train!

Walking the Trails with Daddy
Last week, Daddy and Nico had an adventure at a butterfly house. It looks beautiful and Nico really had fun holding the caterpillar, watching the train and the butterflies. They also went outside and went on the was a beautiful summer day to be outside!!!

Until our next "butterfly" adventure!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Friday Night Fun

Akron Aeros Game

Canal Park
Canal Park

Nico & Daddy

"What Game?"

Dashel Chillaxin' watchin' the game

Yes, there was a game Nico and we won!!!

Nico....more snacks please Mommy!

Cutie Pie!

What a great night for baseball and fireworks! Although it's been humid and hot, we had a great time taking the boys to the Minor League Baseball game. We got a #1 foam finger...what 3 year old doesn't need one of those...nachos, a slushie and dippin' dots....and what night wouldn't be complete without first starting out with a full dinner of Parasson's!!!!

My friends, if you get a chance this summer and would like to have a fun family night this is the place to take your family on a Friday night! I am glad we did!!!

Until our next "baseball" adventure!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Dear Kait,
I can't believe that it seems like it was just yesterday I had driven up from North Carolina to meet you for the first time. You were so tiny, adorable and we fell in love instantly! Now you have turned into a smart, beautiful, elegant dancer that makes us so proud every single day! You have gone beyond our expectations and continue to amaze us in everything that you put your mind too. It has been an honor to watch you grow into an amazing young lady who we can't wait to continue to blossom into an amazing young woman.

Today we celebrate you, and know that we love you!!!
Happy 11th Birthday, Kait!
Love you,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our Celebrations Continue....
The 4th of July was so much fun and even though we were exhausted and blazing HOT!!
We went on playing and playing and playing.......
Until Nico said......
"Mommy I am to hot, let's go inside!"

Gunner & Nico

Loving Cousins, Nico & Maddie

Say Cheese Mommy!

Whoo Hoo, Slip n Slide!

This feels cool Mommy!

Fishing in the driveway!

Sidewalk Chalk...what could be better?
There it is our fun holiday weekend, and even though Daddy had to work all weekend we still had a lot of fun but of course wish he could of been there too!
Until our next "outside" adventure.....

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birthday Celebrations & Fireworks

Our weekend continued with Little Joe's 8th Birthday swimming party and Fireworks on the Lake!

Brave Little Nico!

Look at me Mommy!

My Little Swimmer!

Maddie & Nico

Our fun Saturday continued on at Aunt Jenny who lives on the Lake for Fireworks Fun!!!

The kids playin' in the dirt!

Jules Chillaxin'

Cutie Pie, Reese!

Fireworks for Nico!

It was a great weekend filled with Fireworks, food, family and friends, and birthday Celebrations!!!

Until our "Fun" continues onto the 4th....

Friday, July 09, 2010

Drive-In's & Friends

Jeff, Nico and Daddy being silly!
Nico patiently waiting for the Movie to start!

My Favorite Boy!!

After the Move, at 11:30PM, still being silly!
Last Friday, we decided to take Nico to the drive-in with our friends Vicky, Jeff and Dashel to see Toy Story 3! It was crazy, all the cars there and realizing next time we definitely will get there a lot earlier for better parking but we had a great time! Nico even snuggled with Mommy towards the end as it got pretty chilly. Another fun night with friends, movies, and junk food!!!
Until our next "drive-in" adventure......

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Grandpa & Nico Building a Bird Feeder

I can do it Gpa!!

See just turn it here and I can do it!

Finished at last, ready for the birdies!!

For Grandpa's Birthday, Nico go him a truck bird feeder that they built together. Nico had a lot of fun and the birds love the seed it holds!!!

Until our next "birdie" adventure!!!

Friday, July 02, 2010

It's FRIDAY, and a long Holiday weekend....what could a girl ask for more??!!? How about Five Question Friday!!!!

1. What is the one thing you miss about childhood?

2. Are you still friends with friends from high school?

3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or a word that drives you bonkers every time you hear it?

4. What is the one thing that symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?

5. What are you 4th of July plans?


1. What is one thing you miss about childhood?

I miss the innocence we had as children, how we didn't know what a dollar was or bills we had to pay but really just the freedom of not knowing about bad things and people. Just having the summer to play, and pretend and just be kids. Something Nico has and every time I see it, I think how wonderful that was and want to make sure he has that innocence as long as possible. Nico can play for hours and pretend to be Thomas or Percy, or just dig and dig in the dirt without a care in the world...that's what I miss most!

2. Are you still friends with friends from High School?

Yes, my bestest friend Terri and I have been friends since the 7th grade....12 I think? Not that anyone else would understand but Ter, it all started with a door slam and we have been best friends ever since. Even though we don't see each other as often as we should....I know she'll be there for me no matter what... and not matter how much she might want to get rid of me...she is stuck with me. I cherish our friendship and can't imagine my life without her.

3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche or a word that drives you crazy every time you hear it?

I hate the word "WHATEVER", I don't know what it is about it but it's like a slap in the face for me. It's almost like you are blowing me off and being disrespectful and I strongly dislike the word and everything it means....and don't get me started on the W people do with their hands to symbolize it......

4. What is the one thing that symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?

The National Anthem always makes me tear up, that to me symbolizes America or seeing Soldiers in Uniforms, it reminds me of our freedoms they give us every single day. Remember to say "Thank You" to those who are serving, have served and/or their families for the sacrifices they make every single day.

5. What are your 4th of July plans?

My plans are usually the same, my cousin son's birthday is on the 4th so she always has a swimming party which is always fun! And then it's off to the lake for fireworks!!! Other than that not much else, just getting stuff done around the house. We'll see how Nico does with all his swimming lessons this year to see if he loves her pool better than last year....hopefully he doesn't want to use the slide..that might freak me out!!!

Hope your 4th is Safe and Fun!!

Until our next "Fun" adventure!!!