Monday, September 29, 2008

The adventure begins...........
The adventure begins in our house, with not only Nico turning 2 on Wednesday but we took his crib down yesterday! It almost made me want to cry because it made me realize he is not a baby anymore!!! His bed is not quite ready until Wednesday, but Gpa Tim needed the box springs to finish it up, so us as naive parents that we are, we thought we'll just put his mattress on the floor and I am sure he'll take a nap in his bed.........LOL!! Let me tell you he got the last laugh, not us. So after finding him in the closet, not once but twice it was time to get the pack-n-play out. Which he hasn't slept in since our trip to NC in June, but man has he grown he is pretty much as long as the bed. I swear he is going to taller than me before he is 5, but we'll see on Thursday how tall he really is! What was funny though is that we put the pieces in our computer room and he went in there a couple of times, touching, looking and I think wondering what the heck was going on! Poor little guy is probably thinking he is moving out...LOL!!! So the next week or so should be VERY interesting in our house, trying to keep a 2 year old in his bed so please say a prayer that we make it through without to many tears and I am betting Nico will end up sleeping on the floor at some point!!!
Until our next adventure.....
I'll post pictures once we have the room set up and things settle down.

Thursday, September 25, 2008




Dearest Nico,

It seems like just yesterday Mommy and Daddy were trying to figure out what to name you and that you were going to stay in your little hot tub FOREVER, but now here we are 2 years later and you are not that little baby anymore!!

To us this is the best time of our lives to be able to communicate, play and show you and see the world through your eyes. Eyes that are innocent and amazed by every aspect of life that Mommy and Daddy just let pass by. This past year has been especially special to me because of all the heartache and worries we have gone through, but you have given us hope and shown us that no matter how hard things get, smiling, laughing and melting us with those beautiful blue eyes that everything is and will be ok.

So on October 1st, we celebrate the most important day of our life, the day Nico was born and we celebrate all of the accomplishments of this past year. Looking back at your photo show in review and reading past blogs, it's amazing to me how much you have changed. You have started talking, walking or running, gotten most of your teeth, grown about what Mommy thinks is a foot, developing the personality and orneriness any Mommy would want, and continually learning new things and new experiences that amaze us everyday.

So when we think of you, Nico, we think of this little guy who melts anyone's heart that loves him and we think of cars and the wonderment of his wheels turning in his head trying to figure out how a new toy or anything that he gets in his hands works. And anyone who knows us knows he is a passive, loving, caring little man who will only continue to melt your heart into giving him whatever he wants!!

Happy Birthday Nicolas Aaron, our one and only spoiled rotten child, who we love more than anything in this world!!!

We love you very much!!!
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, September 22, 2008


Can anyone believe that the summer has left us and fall is upon us? I didn't realize today was the first day of fall until I logged onto my computer and then I thought, where did the summer go? All the fun things we did this summer, putting up a swing set, zoo trips, airplane rides, farms we went too, playing outside until dark, sidewalk chalk, riding the lawn mower and 4-wheeler. How much fun Nico had this year and how much we had with Nico!! He is at an age where everything is new, exciting, and funny and it is amazing to watch his eyes grow every time he sees something new!!! From Uh-oh choo-choo trains to wheee down the slide to trying to blow bubbles and flinging them all over Mommy. These are the moments I cherish because I know before I know it, it'll be Mom I wanna go to my friends or Mom no I don't want to hang out with you, you embarrass me....Can you imagine me embarrassing Nico?? I guess those moments when I have my pink shorts on and tank top on walking around the neighborhood and everyone wondering what happened to that crazy lady?? OK, maybe it's time to throw those out, but some clothes are like old friends.....LOL!

So now it's on to long pants and shirts, coats, gloves and hats and thinking is it really worth bundling him up for 20 minutes to go play outside for the 10 minutes it'll still be daylight out?? But then you see his baby blues light up when he sees the snow come down for the first time this season or the leaves fall from the trees, and you think of course it was worth it! Then before you know it the sun is gone and Nico's little porcelain cheeks turn rosy, and you know it's time to come in for something warm, and you wonder where did summer go and will it ever return??

Happy Fall everyone!!

Until our next adventures..........

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I know everyone has been patiently waiting for the next "story" of Nico's second swimming adventures! Last night was Nico's second swimming class and I have to say I think we definitely have the next Michael Phelps's!! He was too cute, this time Mommy and Daddy got in the water with little Nico and of course Daddy had to hold the little guy, and that gave Mommy the opportunity to watch Nico's eyes and see how is wheels were turning! This class was a little bit of repetition of the last class, practicing kicking, paddling, blowing bubbles and jumping in the pool but like before he amazed me of how he could follow directions so well. We also got the kick boards out and he leaned on that kicking his little legs out! Then it was time to start jumping into Daddy's arms, he almost got it but like his impatient Mommy he wanted to jump before 3.....but he did pretty good with allowing Daddy to even dunk his head!!!! Then it was time for the instructor to put the kids underwater and swim to Daddy. Mommy of course was a little worried about dunking him for so long but he was a champ!! The instructor put him under pushing him towards Daddy and Daddy grabbing him, and when he came up he was a little star struck but then started laughing! He even held his breathe, only taking in a little water!!! All in all it was a fun night for Nico, Mom and Dad and we can't wait for the next lesson!!
Until Nico's next adventure.....

Monday, September 15, 2008


Now you never realize how much we depend on electricity until you don't have it! Hopefully everyone survived Hurrican Ike that seemed to find it's way up to Ohio.....definitely a lot faster than it made landfall in Texas :) So not having electricity for almost 20 hours with an almost 2 year old has been a all started yesterday afternoon and the electric kept flickering but never went out until of course I had Nico in the tub. Then it was taking a bath by flashlight, it was as it sounds....a pain! But I guess I can be very thankful that we have city sewer and water, so that at least we can flush and drink...I guess not to words that need to be together..LOL!!! Then to Nico it was fun running around the house in the dark trying to find candles and playing with the flashlights!! Until it was finally time for bed, and at this point I am thinking ok it shouldn't be to long, right.....wrong!!! Still at 7 am still no power and getting ready without power is also soooo much fun...even now when I call home, still no power with the ETA of up to 7 days! So with food out of the freezer thanks to my Mom, it'll be off to Grandma's until the power comes on because without power eating and playing can be VERY difficult in the dark!!! I guess just another adventure in the day in the life of being Nico's Mom!!!
Hope everyone else has power and until next our next adventure or until we get power back.........

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nico started swimming classes last Wednesday with his friend Chay at the Louisville YMCA, and how impressed I was with how different he did this time from last time we took this class. Now granted he was 6 months old at the time, but it's moments like these that it proves to us that he is getting older and smarter everyday. I got in the water with him this time, but next time the instructor who was very nice, asked for both of us to come in and interact with Nico. We sang songs, played with boats and learned how to paddle and kick, and jump off the side of the pool into Mommies arms. It was so cute as when I said, "kick, kick" Nico kicked his little heart out not going anywhere but having so much fun kicking and laughing! Then we turned him over and I told him to "paddle, paddle" and believe it or not he paddled with his hands and splashed Mommy but again was laughing and having a great time! Next, was jumping off the side of the pool and although he was a little hesitant at first, as soon as he realized I was not going to drop him he was off and jumping! We'll sort of, but a Mommy can over-exaggerate a little bit can't she?? LOL! I had no idea how Nico would react, but was definitely surprised by how big he acted and how much fun we really had. The only downer was the fact that I brought the camera but left it in my bag in the locker we'll have to wait for next week for some photo opts that I know you are all patiently waiting for!!!
Until next weeks swimming adventures or until Nico does something too cute not to write about.......

Thursday, September 11, 2008


On a normal day I would of blogged about Nico's adventures, like his swimming classes last night, but instead I decided that being that it's 9/11 and almost the exact time Flight 77 flew into the Pentagon....I decided that it was more important to write about today and ask the question....."Where were you when the world stopped turning?"

I can tell you where I was, I was working and listening to the radio when suddenly the music stopped playing and I heard voices talking. I thought that's weird, and went to the stereo to turn it up only to hear that the Twin Towers had been hit by what I remember them saying was a helicopter. So we turned on the TV and Debbie and I sat there wondering what was going on, and all of the sudden another plane came out of no where and I remembering exactly what I said to Debbie...." That plane is going to hit the other tower" and her saying no way, and the next thing you knew it happened. Then we went across the hall to get the rest of the girls, and then four of us huddling around a 19" TV trying to see what was going on, with all the confusion and being scared wondering what the heck just happened. Trying to call Bryan to see where he was and what he had heard, and then having the realization that maybe he would be called back from inactive status to active, and that fear. Or wondering where they were going to hit next, the fear came over me so quickly thinking this was the end. Then watching the towers start to sway and saying those towers are going to fall, and before we knew it they did. Even now I get chills just thinking about it and wondering why?

So today, as we watch our TV's tonight and reflect on the last 7 years we can remember, remember those who died and those who survived and have to live with the painful memories forever. I know that I'll never forget how I felt and where I was, and that feeling of helpless will never be forgotten. We also need to stop for a minute and thank our soldiers, our police and fireman who put their lives on the line everyday for someone they never met. These people to me are very special and I am very grateful to be married to someone put in a similar situation would go into those towers and not even think twice. So today as we remember, I think Thank you to those who protect and serve us whether in our towns, counties, states or the world we do appreciate it and I ask my readers to as the song says,
"Where were you when the world stopped turning?"

Monday, September 08, 2008

Who would of thought such an easy word to me and you, would be so hard to teach a 2 year old??? Until today, he finally said it while once again Mommy asking him to say please for a drink out of the fridge and to my surprise my months and months of working with him FINALLY paid off. He said and he kept saying it as I did, I was jumping up for joy like the kid just adding 2+2 or something, but if you know Nico his words come far and few and although we are bound and determined to teach him new words everyday. Not to mention when he wants to talk he will, but he chooses when to and not too... I mean look the kid at 15 months went into the doctors office, she sneezed and he said bless you!! So we all know he can talk, but he is stubborn like his Daddy of course..LOL! So today is another accomplishment for little Nico.....he finally said PLEASE, the best word a Mommy could hear!!!
Until next time.......

Friday, September 05, 2008

It's so hard to believe Kourt that you are 5, seems like just yesterday I was visiting you the day you came home. I remember it well as you were wearing that cute little pink outfit, and were so adorable! How times flies, and now you are turning 5!!!! You are such a sweet, funny, beautiful little girl that can always make Nico laugh! I was so proud of you at how much you have matured at the dance recital it almost made me cry that you weren't a baby anymore, but now an independent, smart little girl. You amaze me every time I see you and your smile is something that always make me smile back, no matter the day I am having.
So on Sunday, Kourtney Elizabeth we celebrate your day....a milestone in your life....turning 5!!!
Happy 5th Birthday!!
We love you,
Bryan, Kelli & Nico

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Pony Ride

Nico had another exciting adventure with Gpa Tom and Gma Connie....riding the ponies! Over the weekend we went to the Great Trails Festival that had pony rides. Poor Gpa Tom though had to walk in what seemed like a lifetime to make sure little Nico didn't fall off the horse, but impressively he held on tight and balanced himself on the pony the entire time! The only time that he started to fall was when the guy was giving him the ride on his ponies had to re-adjust the saddle because he said that it was a slipperly saddle. But all in all it was another fun adventure in Nico's summertime fun!!!

Until Nico's next adventure.....