Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Can anyone remember Nico being so small? I sure can't it seems like a lifetime ago.......

Until next time.........

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Afternoon Prayers
Now I am not one to force religion in my life, in my blogging, or anywhere as I feel each of us as our relationship with God that is not be judged, but today I am inspired by one little boy who is fighting for his life as I type this. Please take a moment and go to this McMama's Blog and I promise you that you will be inspired by the strength and courage this family has been through the past year.

They were told their precious child would not survive childbirth, but somehow was born what was thought a healthy baby boy, named Stellan. Then even though he had heart surgery and mounds and mounds of drugs pumped into his fragile little body, he still lit up everyone hearts and souls with his beautiful 3-toothy smile. So today, we have the bad news that the drugs are not helping and he is fighting for his life, his tiny fragile life that has been on this earth a short 8 months. He has inspired people from all over the world to come together in a prayer vigil and unite, praying and unconditionally loving a child they may never meet.

So even I who has been through heck and back these past couple of years, it compares to nothing that this innocent, loving child has been thorough in the short months of his life. I can never relate to what his family is going through and never will I try, but I do know that they need all of you friends, family members and strangers alike to come together once again and pray that God says, "Stellan, it's not your time. Your purpose here is not complete."

It breaks my heart to type such a post, but know like anything else it's all out of our hands and even though we can't see the bigger picture here, I have no doubt there is one and is to my friends, family and strangers to grab your kids, husbands, mother's etc and tell them how much you love them because we never know how much time we really have left...........

Love and prayers,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This is one of my favorite pictures of Nico, Daddy and Mr. Bear, and yes he still sleeps with Mr. Bear!!!

Until our next adventure...........

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Fun day at Quail Hollow

Playing in the sand with Gma Connie

Taking a walk with Gpa Tom

I love you Gpa Tom!

Chay and Nico waiting for the Parade

Lounging waiting for the Parade!!

It's been a another fun weekend for Nico with a Parade and Fireworks on Saturday, and the Fireworks were about 500 feet from our driveway. Nico was a little nervous when they had the grand finale, but it definitely was awesome!! Then on Sunday Gma Connie and Gpa Tom came over for a long hike at Quail Hollow, and getting a little lost then it was time to see a big fish jump out of the pond and playing at the playground we were off to get Ice Cream!!! All in all another fun weekend....I just love Summer!!!

Until our next adventure......

Monday, July 20, 2009

So here we are again, another Monday and MckMama had this great idea of instead of all the imperfect things we couldn't possibly do, let's share all the things are children could NEVER possibly do! So here we Precious Angel, Nico could of NEVER:

Pooed in his pants and had it falling all over the floor as he ran from me yelling, "NO potty Mommy!!!" not him, he always tells me when he has to go!

While we are talking about poo....Nico never would have ran around the house not once, but twice in the dark while we waited for fireworks at our house Saturday night while I am running through the dogs potty hoping that I don't step on any surprises!

Along with fireworks, my child never stayed up past 11PM, not one night but two because he was being so stubborn waiting for Daddy to come home from work and on the second night he certainly didn't have to go to Pre-School at 9AM......

My child certainly didn't take sand, dirt or anything he could get his hands on and throw it at me because he is the most disciplined child and he certainly DID NOT kick over my glass of tea while we were waiting for the fireworks just to be funny......notice me laughing!

And finally, he could of never in a restaurant, store or wherever he could possibly embarrass me put his fingers in his ears and yell at the top of his lungs just because it's hilarious....don't we all do that?!?!?!

Oh, and just for kicks my child a few months ago never got into his closet took out the washable paint that isn't so washable, glue and any other non-washable item and colored himself, the carpet, his bed and anything else he could get his precious little hands NOT my Nico he always goes right to sleep at nap time!

Has your child done something to embarrass you or make you just shake your head and say "WHY ME?" seems terrible at the time but I am guessing like I am going to laugh you are going to laugh at my "perfect" child's imperfect ways! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Until our next adventure......

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Nico and I had such a fun weekend....we went out to lunch with my friend, Suzie Saturday and then went shopping for our birthday parties on Sunday. Nico wasn't really interested in eating but had fun at the store shopping for Chay's birthday! Then on Sunday we went to Kaitlyn's 10th Birthday party where we experienced Roller Skating for the first time with Nico and the first time for me in about 14 years!!! At first I was a little unsteady but got the hang of it and Nico was holding onto me with all his might, but we went around the rink twice without falling once!!! Then finally, Nico got the courage to roller skate on his own on the carpet and was having a blast playing with the kids and rolling from machine to machine where he thought he was playing the "big" kids games! How much fun was that to see him experience new things and to celebrate Kaitlyn's birthday!!!!

Then it was off to Nico's friend, Chay's party where they had a carnival theme. Plus Chay got a new sandbox which Nico was in heaven playing in! All the kids got their face painted, got to shoot water to make the cans fall of the table, bean bag toss, and ball in the jar. Which he got his very first fish, but unfortunately by the end of the party he was already in fishy heaven, which with everything else going on he forgot about his new pet. After everyone left, and while Mommy helped clean up Chay and Nico got to play with Chay's new sand toys in her awesome sandbox!!!!

It's weekends like this watching little Nico play with all his friends, and have a blast plus learn something new that makes me appreciate how much fun he is just a little more!


On another note, we are still trying to potty train Nico and although Mommy is having success....Daddy isn't. And I can't figure it out, but it seems that if I put him on the potty and walk away for a few minutes, he'll go eventually. He obviously doesn't like to have people glaring at him, but who does?? He still has accidents with me, but hopefully with a little more training by the fall we'll be a diaper/pull-ups free house!!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather!!

Until our next adventure....

Monday, July 13, 2009


Dear Kait,

I can hardly believe that today you are 10 years old...already a decade old...which in turn makes me really old! I remember the first time I held you, the first time you talked and walked for me, or the first time you said I love you! Seems like these years have flown by and you have become a smart, beautiful, talented young lady right before my eyes....I look back at the pictures over the last ten years and I can't believe how much you have changed and how much talent you have!! Watching you on stage and watching you grow up has been one of the best times of my life!

So to you today, Kait we wish you a very Happy Birthday and can't wait to see the next ten years unfold right before our eyes!!!

We love you,

Thursday, July 09, 2009

One of those days.....

Did you ever have one of those days when it starts out pretty good, the alarm clock goes off you get up starting getting ready for work and check your email only to hear your little sweet child waking up? So you go into his room thinking this is going to be a good day and bam it hits you like nothing else.............the smell of poopie that even now 3 hours later I can't get out of my mind.

Disclaimer......if stuff like this grosses you out, you probably want to skip this post........

I walk in thinking oh, he just had an accident in his diaper....oh how wrong was I?? Not only was it in his diaper but all over his jammies, all over him and on the carpet where he was laying. So I can't whisk him up fast enough to get him on the table to strip him of his diaper before now he is I calm him down and I am throwing stuff away because EWWWWWWWWW! I start to wipe him off, get Daddy up, start a bath and think why me?? Then I start stripping beds while Daddy gives Nico a bath and throwing stuff in the washer all while trying not to throw up and holding my breathe and before I know it I am all cleaned up and Nico too, and out the door....only to remember that his clothes are still in his laundry basket. Daddy goes in and almost throws up but the mess is cleaned up....the joys of Mommyhood and I have to admit one day we'll laugh about this, but definitely today is not that day..............the worst part about it was that Nico was upset and then I could of cried thinking, he did nothing wrong.

Poor little guy! Sorry if I grossed anyone out, but just another adventure in the wonderful life of being Nico's Mommy!

Until next time.....

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Until our next adventure.....

Monday, July 06, 2009

Here we are again, another week gone by and another "story" of all the things that I couldn't possibly of done all know being the "perfect" mommy and all! If you want to read about other's head over here.

I couldn't have possibly let my child walk around again outside in his undies while trying unsuccessfully to potty train him because my child is always probably clothed!

I surely didn't get angry when our water tank, which by the way is 5 years old, started leaking and my lovely husband said it's not that big of deal.........because you know our money is growing on trees.....I still love you Daddy!

I know my child didn't empty out his drawers again, while he was suppose to be going to bed and then make him help me because my perfect child doesn't do such things...when I tell him to go to bed he falls right to sleep!

I could of NEVER let my child stay up to after 11-2 nights this weekend because I wanted to see fireworks and we were having a fun weekend...not me I always put my child to bed at the appropriate time!

So there it is my "perfect" week once again! Hope everyone else is having a great day and what "perfect" things have you done this past week..

Until next time.........

Thursday, July 02, 2009


On Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Dashel Jefferson

came into this world 3 1/2 weeks early but is doing very well.

He was

7lbs 4ozs


19 3/4" long

Proud Parents Vicky & Jeff!!!

For those who don't know Vicky & Jeff they are good friends of Daddy and I and Dashel was due July 22nd but made his grand appearance last Sunday!! Nico is very excited to have a new playmate and can't wait to meet him, but he'll be in the NICU for at least 2 weeks as his little lungs weren't quite developed. But when I talked to Vicky yesterday he was doing well!

Please keep your thoughts and prayers with Dashel, Vicky & Jeff for a speedy recovery and homecoming!

Dashel, Nico is waiting to come play!!!!

Until our next adventure.....

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Until our next adventure........