Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Fun Times in 2010

Our little precious angel has decided that he HAS to go to Toys R Us and the only way that he is allowed to go to pick out yet another train is to poo in the potty. So what does our little comedian do??? He makes Daddy sit him on the potty yesterday because he just has to go...so we get all excited thinking he has finally made the transition from going in his pull-ups to now he is a big boy and ready.....right? Wrong, he sat there for 25 minutes, singing, laughing and talking to himself and Daddy trying but no such luck.....so what does he say when Daddy finally says it's time to get off and try later?????

"Daddy, I want to go to Toys R Us!!!" and Daddy says not until you go poo on the potty, so what does Nico say??? "I want to go to Toys R Us, back on the potty!!" Of course it was almost nap time so pull-ups went on and poo didn't happen.

But I guess this is in the right direction and hopefully this new decade and year will prove that we'll be a pull-up free household soon.....................I PRAY!!!!!

Until our next adventure.......

1 comment:

Jennifer Norch said...

Boy is a Play-ah! LOL! Here's hoping for a accident-free New Year...