Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Afternoon Prayers
Now I am not one to force religion in my life, in my blogging, or anywhere as I feel each of us as our relationship with God that is not be judged, but today I am inspired by one little boy who is fighting for his life as I type this. Please take a moment and go to this McMama's Blog and I promise you that you will be inspired by the strength and courage this family has been through the past year.

They were told their precious child would not survive childbirth, but somehow was born what was thought a healthy baby boy, named Stellan. Then even though he had heart surgery and mounds and mounds of drugs pumped into his fragile little body, he still lit up everyone hearts and souls with his beautiful 3-toothy smile. So today, we have the bad news that the drugs are not helping and he is fighting for his life, his tiny fragile life that has been on this earth a short 8 months. He has inspired people from all over the world to come together in a prayer vigil and unite, praying and unconditionally loving a child they may never meet.

So even I who has been through heck and back these past couple of years, it compares to nothing that this innocent, loving child has been thorough in the short months of his life. I can never relate to what his family is going through and never will I try, but I do know that they need all of you friends, family members and strangers alike to come together once again and pray that God says, "Stellan, it's not your time. Your purpose here is not complete."

It breaks my heart to type such a post, but know like anything else it's all out of our hands and even though we can't see the bigger picture here, I have no doubt there is one and is to my friends, family and strangers to grab your kids, husbands, mother's etc and tell them how much you love them because we never know how much time we really have left...........

Love and prayers,

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